Can you prove God exists?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by meddlehaze, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Objective reality is something you experience constantly.. but it all comes down to how you interpret it. It's all a coincidence right? To me, "god" is objective existence itself.
  2. Is that supposed to be a more outrageous idea than the invention of a cause?
  3. It is whatever you interpret it to be.. I know what it means to me, but I have no idea if there was a cause.. either way, I know the objective reality exists, and that we are all one within it.
  4. TesseLated _ I agree 100% that a belief in God should NEVER stop us from progressing with Science and should NEVER hold us back. I grew up living in and out of hospitals -young friends died - kids crying at night - a close mate in the same ward as me (was about 14) yelled at the top of his voice "Help me please I’m going to die" as nursers rushed to him and I never saw him again. There is so much shit in our world - so much pain cruelty. If you’re a sex slave, abused, sick or your family just got shot by ongoing wars or by the local psychopath or each day is just struggle day to day with your own or loved ones with mental, physical pain and loss- why would something so loving etc allow that? Who knows - why do some people hate and feel like they must kill- who knows (though neurologists etc seem to be gaing a better understanding) – but just because it happens doesn’t mean you should shut down completely on the possibility of a God– that is why we have minds – to explore every aspect of life scientifically and spiritually. Like i stated i know it all mybe a Survival mechanism for me for all the stuff I have been through and seen – it may seem weak or scapegoat to others – but really what does it matter? I am happy – I don’t push what I believe on others and accept science and try to be a better person
  5. I just know.

    Yeah, I used to think that, too.
  6. #26 DBV, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
    sorry you changed you mind. It is a blissful feeling. One of my favorite lyrics: "It's like floating on a raft". I'm not saying I KNOW some major answers to reality, but I'm saying I know the most basic structure to it (in my interpretation). What you choose to believe is completely your choice and I'm not here to force mine onto you.

    If you still don't believe in an objective reality, ask yourself: "where did I come from?"

  7. A stone that prevents any gods from existing IS a very specific phenomena, but I think you're missing the point. Consider that nobody believes your description of the stone, yet most people do believe that God exists. It's possible to understand exactly why that is.. and it has nothing to do with what people hear from others in a religious sense.
  8. #28 meddlehaze, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm not talking about unicorns. That statement is only for the existence of God. It can only be true if He exists otherwise it's delusion.
  9. That is why there will never be a winner on either side of the debate. Science is a process of evidence and God is the process of Faith. Science can never prove or disprove God and some see the idea of God as being lazy or stupid - I dont need to prove God exists as its faith - easy "well to a rock so powerful a God must have made it".- Science cannot be like that - IT must provide evidence. "well we found that you don't need a God to create something as powerful as this rock- its creation makes perfect logical sense in our current understanding of all things around us". Then i can turn around and state "but it still doesn't disprove God and i can just feel something bigger and more meaningful than my life" - not very scientific but that is the whole idea of spirituality. I understand where atheists come from - I am still to a degree - I cannot force myself or anyone to have faith, even though i sort of know the concept of God. That is were some religions get stupid "Belieave or burn etc" -Well i cannot force myself to have faith - its impossible and a God who expects me to seems silly. I am still on my journey like most people and will eventually know when i die - well if there is no God i will not know as i will be dead :)

  10. I will always stand on the objective side of things. Creationists tend to try and bring the subjective to explain the objective.

    At the end of the day, to each his own meaning.

    People find comfort in thinking their is a creator that is watching them, it gives them a sort of "meaning", yet when you look at the cosmos, well, you already know. :wave:
  11. I agree with what your saying. One thing that always fascinates me though, is that our bodies are a cosmos of their own. They are infinitely complex, and I can't help but think we will never fully understand either universe (internal/external). I don't know the ultimate meaning to life, but I think it is a lot more complex/important than the infinite "nothingness" we have found so far in the cosmos. I'm not saying we should stop researching space, but I'm just saying I think life is more interesting/rare/possibily important than we give ourselves credit for sometimes.

  12. Truth..!

    I have been in my share of 'wards'as they have been good ones.
  13. lol subbed
  14. I can prove he doesn't exist by going outside and looking around. The idea of god is so silly and childish, grow up and live for your self. Because I promise you when you die it's all over. Lights off.
    No ones home. You go back to how you were before you were born, nothing.
  15. That's quite the promise. Did someone come back after that vast minute of death and tell you it was lights off, or are you just guessing?
  16. #36 kronman907, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No I'm a psychology major in graduate school. When you stop pumping blood into the brain it stops working and you no longer Receive stimulus. No stimulus, no living The white light people say they see is all the dopamine your brain releases to make dying pain free and easy. You cant transplant your brain into the clouds to hang out with some dude.
  17. #37 nathann, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
    You still can't prove this empirically.

    And neither can the psychology you are appealing to. Your closed-mindedness to another possibility is just as bad as the theists you're calling childish, whether you think you're more rational or not.

    Also, please point me to a case study that proves that the "white light" sensation of an NDE is your brain being flooded with dopamine. How is this known? Are neuroscientists capturing dying people and seeing what neurotransmitters are being released at death? No, they are not. Such would be unethical.
  18. #38 meddlehaze, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
    It's actually quite ironic you use this as "proof" against the existence of God as a theist might use it as "proof" of His existence.

    Saying the idea of God is "silly and childish" is your subjective opinion based upon your understanding of God.

    On what basis do you make this promise about the "non-existent" afterlife?

    edit; just as you can't prove God exists, you can't disprove it either (negative proof). They are both futile arguments, by nature.
  19. You can not disprove the existence of something.
  20. Affirmative.

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