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Can you OD when ingesting weed

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by montegro, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. I drank my first cup of thc tea last night in 5 years and i think i OD'ed on it because every part of my body hurts and i can't stop throwing up and i was just able to drink my first cup of water today and i've thrown up 19 times sience 9am this morning and its 6 pm right now.
  2. sounds like the flu, not thc overdose. go see your doctor.
  3. i went to the doctor and he told me i over dosed on weed and he told me that you can overdose on weed if its ingested.
  4. #5 Markusha, Dec 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2008
    ya, you can't overdose on weed regardless of how you ingest it...but something you ingested sounds like it gave you food poisoning/flu/something. see your doctor man, or get some pepto, or both

    Edit: wait what??? dude your doctor is shitting you, like i've seen people eat MAD brownies (as opposed to a single cup of tea, probly like 5+ cups of tea worth) and be fine...hiiiigh as hell but fine. I think you just told your doctor you drank weed, and his thinking process was as follows: 'oh well weed's illegal and is bad and therefore must have made you OD'. Like someone please correct me if i'm wrong, but whats the difference on how you take in the weed, smoking/eating, honestly if you could liquify pure THC and inject it it'd probably do the same thing, its the THC molecules entering your blood stream and being pumped into your brain to cause the effect we know as high.
  5. yeah i've been takeing it but i can't keep anything down not even water. and i can't go to my doctors because of a blizzard that hit last night thats why im on here asking people.

  6. sounds like your doctor's full of shit.
  7. no, why do people always ask this. Nobody has ever overdosed on weed, and nobody ever will. It isn't possible. Your weed might have been laced, or you could have eaten something else yesterday that gave you food poisoning, but you will not and can not od on thc!
  8. i called him, and thats what he told me once again. he told me when you ingest weed you become capable of oding on it because you have no outlet to let the access thc out of your system.
  9. yeah man for real sounds like the flu.

    One time i got really high then like 30 minutes later i got really sick at the movies and threw up all night it deff was what i ate not that i smoked. What was in the tea you made anything that could of been spoiled. Also, what if you friends or who you were with did not wash their hands? An overdose on MJ is plausible hypothetically but i dont believe its humanly possible to do it.
  10. alright thanks everyone, any sugestions on what i could do to keep something down so i can get better?
  11. false it is entirely possible to overdose on marijuana, something around 1/3rd of your body weight in one sitting....better roll a FAT blunt

  12. smoke?
  13. you would blow up before you even got near to ingesting enough weed to OD.
  14. I'm pretty sure you can OD on weed, but not die from an OD. All it will do is make you really sick and feel like shit. But not THIS sick. I agree with the other posters, somin u ate or the flu.
  15. Try drinking some milk maybe? It'll coat your stomach and possibly help to alleviate some of the nausea. Also, eat a couple slices of bread, just to at least get something in your stomach.

  16. which means it is never going to happen... even if you weigh 150 lbs, you are going to have to smoke 50lbs of bud... unless you have like $150k laying around a really fat hook, you aren't even going to be able to get ahold of that much weed. Then you are going to have to smoke all of it in one sitting, I doubt it. I would bet that most people on this forum would never even be able to smoke 1 lb of weed to their own dome. I get what you are saying that it could happen, but really, it isn't going to because nobody could afford that or possibly do that. Plus, that's just stupid to do, you would be wasting a lot of weed as once you are that high, smoking another 20lbs isn't going to get your ass any higher.
  17. then why did you make this thread
  18. you need:
    1: water+bread, two neutral things
    2: pepto
    3: a get you to the doctor

    and your doctor btw is full of shit, there's no outlet when you smoke it either your alveoli in your lungs can't just decide to not absorb whatever the fuck you put in there, same as your intestine-lining which case we'd all be puking like that nonstop from smoking the shit
  19. Take from Erowid:
    In 1968, when I was studying marihuana in Boston, I deliberately consumed an overdose (6 grams) of potent hashish in order to experience this reaction. I took it orally, under observation, and kept notes as long as I was able. The effects of the drug were felt within forty minutes and were pleasant but strong for about a half-hour. Thereafter, things became quite confusing. I could not understand what was said to me, felt physically sick, and soon was unfit to do anything but lie in bed and wait for morning. Auditory hallucinations were prominent, especially threatening voices that rose in volume to a crescendo, the faded out. For about twelve hours I remained in a stage of consciousness between sleeping and waking, marked by vivid nightmares. Lucid intervals were rare; for much of the time I did not know where I was, even thinking I was six years old and sick from measles. By morning, most of the worst symptoms had disappeared, but I had a powerful hangover that left me prostrate for another twenty-four hours. I would not willingly repeat the experience.

    This is probably exponentially more THC than you ingested and he didn't vomit at all. Your doctor is completely full of shit.


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