Can you kill a plant by touching it too much?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by iambuterdtoast, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. If i touch my plant randomly throughout the day just to check on them and make sure the leaves are healthy, can this kill them? i dont normally pull on them, just feel the leaves from time to time during the day. My plants are 3 weeks old. green from the soil to the newest growth.
  2. Nahh man. I actually heard somewhere that plants grow better when they are stroked. I don't know how truthful that information was but no I doubt anything would happen if u touched the plant. Unless u had really bad chemicals on your fingers u should be good.
  3. I touch and bend my plant every 2 days to enhance the strength of the stem.
  4. Just don't touch them multiple times a day, there's absolutely no need for that.

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