can you Identify these small bugs???

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by bennyweed, May 28, 2009.

  1. #1 bennyweed, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    I have tiny tiny tiny white worm looking mites roaming through my soil. I have no idea what they are. I know they are not spider mites because their shape is more worm/caterpiller like.

    The best way I can describe them is: The are longer then they are wide, they appear to have more the 4 legs, are white in color and are quick for there tiny, almost microscopic size. They twitch in a hopping manner and burrow down into the soil when I poke them with tweezers.

    Any ideas would be helpful because I don't know if they are harmful to my germinating seedlings. If they are not harmful I don't want to kill them. Im to nice for that :rolleyes:
  2. Sounds like fungus gnats. Do you have tiny flies flying around your pots? The "worms" you see are the larva of the flies/gnats. They are the eggs of the gnats and they love the moist top few inches of the soil. Start bottom watering to dry out the top of the pots. You might want to hang some yellow sticky paper to catch some of the adults flying around. Neamatodes work pretty well on eating the larva.
    What kind of soil did you use?
    Left unchecked, the larva will suck the life out of your plants. Best to act sooner than later...
  3. #3 bennyweed, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    Thank you so much for your response and from my short research I believe you are right; they are small gnat larvaes. I will be removing these little guys with sticky traps and raw potatoes to draw them away from my soil. Once again thanks alot!!!:smoking::smoking:
  4. i'm a big supporter of neem oil. not only will it keep whatever gnats are there from eating the plant, but if sprayed on the larvae and eggs, it will disrupt their life cycle.
  5. You can also get rid of them while they're still in the larvae stage by putting sand on the top of your soil. Or just letting the top 2-3" of your soil dry out before watering.

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