hi, my friends grandfathertold us oneday, that he was at his ffiends house and he had buds growing on a stem from soil. has anyone else ever herd of this if so how? ty
[quote name='"dalton94"']hi, my friends grandfathertold us oneday, that he was at his ffiends house and he had buds growing on a stem from soil. has anyone else ever herd of this if so how? ty[/quote] If you trim all the leaves off it'll just be nugs
also how would i be able to effectivley hide a small foot tall plant with no closet but i have basement space
Buy or make a grow tent. At that height you could use any sort of box, or even computer tower hollowed out.
[quote name='"zippy657"']...still waiting to see these 1 foot plants everyone tells me they can grow...[/quote] Why not go over to the mini grow section and see for yourself
First of all, a foot is just impossible. show me one. 18 inches is do-able... Second, I have trouble counting LST grows where they just fold the fucker over and let her bud sideways... and any legit lst ends up over a foot easy. Again... show me. ive scanned the "micro grow" section, and to my findings its a bunch of people who start off thinking they can grow in a computer case, and finding out... well... at least they have a cool veg/clone box... then getting a tent. It can technically be done, but i see a whole lot more talk about it and people starting off planning on it, than actual plants grown in anything less than 3 foot space. Show me i'm wrong. Oh and OP i think what this grandfather was describing was an autoflower ruderalis hybrid... ppl call them 60 day wonders and such. sometimes they just look like a mini christmas tree bud on a stick.
Probably an autoflower and from just a he said/she said type of thing. For all you know, there could have been some fan leaves. Edit: I threw a seed outside once during the winter that only grew 6 inches and gave me a .4 so it's not impossible to bud under a foot.
inside a PC case from the base to the top of that plant... not a foot. I know its not done in that pic, and its not my plant lol, but that shit isnt going to boost up and go, if it all, over a foot
Holy shit! that guy grew a half and it only took him 4 months and a hundred bucks LOL! I left room in my argument for plants like this. I know its possible. Just not by any means simple... A plant, that is not a rudaralis interbred 60 day wonder type, will not grow in a one foot space to fruition without being manipulated. Does that sound easier to swallow? This is pointless IMO. It can be done but why would anyone ever bother? do the same thing but give yourself 3 vertical feet to work in and grow 2 plants and get 4 oz instead of a half without having to do much but add lights and watch the magic. You think you (or the OP) could pull this kind of grow off first shot?? Its only purpose is to show that it can be done. Its cool, dont get me wrong. Its just not realistic for most of us and pretty much just not worth it if the goal is to grow bud and not take pictures of your cool plant.
and please dont say its for stealth!! a computer case growing reefer is about as stealthy as an air horn! ...On the other hand, a 3 foot speaker that sits on top of a functional subwoofer might just go unnoticed for years. Maybe the speaker is an intake and maybe the port is an exhaust, so what, its making noise, no one notices. And if its not making noise... no one notices. Point is there are stealthier options that still give you the space required.
lol the only use a micro grow serves is if you want to grow but down want to grow your entire supply... and for show. I think everyone knows that
dalton: also how would i be able to effectivley hide a small foot tall plant with no closet but i have basement space To me this sounds like he thinks one can just do that easily... and that he is thinking about starting a grow, one would think, primarily for generating buds. Just thought id let him know that plants dont actually grow a foot tall per say and making them do so is a pretty advanced technique. why does micro have to mean 'as small as fucking possible'. id say two plants in a cabinet or speaker is pretty god damn micro. Only difference is you get 5x more bud for your efforts.
maybee your grandfather was talking about lollipops? they are pretty much 1 big bud on a stick lol. And Zippy, computer case grows is not something too hard to do. and for some of us half an oz is all we need to last a couple of months... And Sorry, but how can a speaker box grow in the middle of the room be more stealth than a computer case under a desk almost hidden from view... At least for the computer case it is normal to have fan noise and some light coming out of it...
Taking clones from a mother plant under 18 hrs. Get the clones to root under 18 hrs. Then turn them straight to head at 12 hrs. This gives you buds on stem. Bigger the stem (clone cutting) bigger the bud
Yes...I know how to grow 2 lbs of bud with no leaves 30% THC and less than a foot tall.....and as soon as I finish wrestling this alligator in a phone booth, I'll show you how. Oh crap! 48 hours without weed and I'm turning into a sarcastic dickhead