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Can you get stoned off second hand smoke?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hashbrowns742, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. This is probs a stupid question but if you're sitting next to someone, who is smoking the best dank, on the planet, could you get stoned off of the exhaled smoke?
  2. Depends, if you're in a room, or outside. But if you're hotboxing, a damn good buzz for sure.
  3. Only if you're doing it in a small, enclosed space, like a car. And even then, you probably won't get absolutely blazed from secondhand smoke alone.

  4. ^^ Yea but u gotta REALLI hotbox the room if u want someone to get high. I mean REALLI hotbox it.
  5. In a car it is very possible, but it needs to be really baked out. The smoke coming off a blunt might get a non smoker high.
  6. If you can see the smoke then yes you can get high, and if people blow it in your face you will for sure be inhaling some

    So yes
  7. I've hotboxed in one of my friend's rooms, and she ended up doing some of the most ridiculous shit i've ever seen her do, even though she didn't smoke.

    was it a secondhand high, or was she just acting crazy? we'll never know, and she'll never tell us...
  8. So if I have a friend who can't smoke and they just want the hit blown in their face I should say NO! and tell them whats up? lol not meaning to sound like a joke because it does happen. I just didn't know you could get a high from that..

  9. If your friend wants to get high without smoking tell 'em to man up, no pain no gain.
  10. it's not that they want to get high, it's just that they are on probation, and want a little taste of the goods while they're out of the game.

  11. Wait, seriously?

    If you get high, that means you've taken in thc, there's no way to get high off weed without thc entering your body...
  12. So i shouldn't be blowing hits in his face lol..
  13. If you blow smoke into someone and they inhale it, it won't matter. It's pretty stale smoke and your lungs already absorbed all the THC.

  14. No you should not, unless he wants to violate probation, in which case, have at it.
  15. Thanks for the info peeps
  16. about the probation thing. It does work, the amount of thc isnt enough to stay on a drug screen for more than a day

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