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Can you empty a bong with your nose?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by k-money, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. if you can is it safe and does it get you more high (heard that nasal membranes are very sensitive to thc or something)?
  2. Hahahaha I've done this! Yea it works, hurts like a bitch going in thou
  3. not gonna lie i really did this, im just too high to phrase the question differently haha. thank you

  4. i can but it burns the hell out of the tip of it.I use a little pen knife instead, no blisters on the nose that way..:smoke:

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  5. im sorry im just too high to figure out what u meant haha. ill respond tomorrow
  6. Learn how to french Inhale homie...
    You'll look like a pro and get mad high
  7. lol um hold on let me try..... Ya works couldnt clear its makin me feel really blown, eyes got all red and now i feel like i gotta sneeze. And the guy that was talking about the pen knife thought you meant empty out a cashed bowl using your nose lol come to think about it maybe that is what you meant if it is then i feel like an idiot cuz i just ripped the bong using my nose.......

  8. At lest you got my joke......:bolt:
  9. Its definitely possible, back when my circle of friends got our first, tiny bong we all tried it. It worked fine but it felt like taking a huge hit off a blunt and french inhaling it as fast as I could x10
  10. I think it would be a little easier and a little less painful if you just took a bong rip normally then exhaled through your nose. That way you still get the smoke in contact with your nasal membrane, but don't get snot in the bong. lol

  11. haha i know how i was just seein if it was okay. i did that before the nose rip haha

  12. no no i meant what you did haha

  13. haha it was a makeshift bong and it didnt seem to burn or hurt as people have said, and i milked that shit haha.

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