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Can you eat a dime sack's worth of weed and get high??

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by PinkFloydStoner, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. My sources say experiment. You'll probably figure it out.
  2. YES!!!! A firecracker made with a dime sack of good weed will get you pretty damn high.

    Pretty simple:


    Graham Crackers
    Organic Peanut Butter (Regular is fine but organic is preferred because it's oily)
    Tin Foil


    Spread peanut butter over half a gram cracker and sprinkle the ground up weed onto the peanut butter. Put peanut butter on the other half of the graham crack and put them together. Twist them to make sure all the weed is exposed to peanut butter. Wrap it up nice and tight with tin foil and put in the oven for about 22 minutes as 350F.

    I usually make two of these bitches whenever i buy a g but only eat one at a time because one of them will have you nice and high for about 6 hours.

  3. LOL i was actually going to eat the weed plain just right outta the bag, But your is intriguing, especially cause I love peanut butter

    One question, does it smell up the whole house when you put it in the oven??

  4. Eating weed without heating it up and/or mixing it with some kind of oil or alcohol won't get you high at all. You have to have the THC dissolve in the oil of the peanut butter to be digested and get you high.

    And no, I make these all the time in my apartment and they don't smell like weed. You may notice a slight weird cooking peanut butter smell when you get near your oven but when they are done the smell goes away.

    Oh and btw these things taste like complete shit
  5. I've also heard you don't even have to cook firecrackers and that leaving them wrapped up in tin foil for a few days will extract the THC just fine. Heat only speeds up the process.

    Then again I've never tried it that way so I can't give too much experience on that.

  6. I'ma try this one day my when my folks are not home, awesome thanx!!
  7. its true.
    trust a niggga.
    2-3 days.
    getcha high.
  8. weird, i ate about two grams of some purple trainwreck and i was couchlocked for a good four hours lmao

  9. In firecracker form? or by itself?
  10. Eating raw herb will do the job but it generally takes more then it's worth (weight wise). Heat helps with decarboxylation (turning the THC acid (THCA) into the physcoreactive THC). Check out: Decarboxylation | Cannabis Culture Magazine for more details.
  11. by itself.

    once i ate about an eighth of some indoor weed and i freaked out. I layed down on my bed and it felt like my bed was 500ft wide and i was a small ant, it was weirddd.
  12. Firecrackers taste a lot better if you use a hazelnut spread (just make sure it has a fat content in the ballpark of peanut butter). I miss firecrackers... I miss weed altogether, haven't had my jar full for a couple of months now. No wonder I'm such a grumpy motherfucker. All I can remember is last time I had firecrackers, I had to have an early bedtime :cool: and I couldn't talk properly to my friend, basically got my ass kicked by a cracker.

  13. Why are you eatin up all your dank?
  14. Eating an 1/8th straight would be pretty hard on your digestion. The stuff is rather fibrous.
  15. and then you woke up.
  16. And had to go to the toliet
  17. Exactly. Any stoner with have a brain knows you can't get high by eating straight weed.

  18. i have and it works

  19. wow sounds awesome, wish my bed was 500ft wide, but unfortunately its small and hard on my back lol

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