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Can wax last 50+ years in a Mason Jar if kept in a cold dark room?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Allworknoplay, Aug 13, 2017.


Can wax last 50+ years in a Mason Jar if kept in a cold dark room?

Poll closed Jan 15, 2020.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Alright so my friend is building a bunker and a grow room within it. But anyways he said he was going to store a bunch of dabs in mason jars and leave them in a cold damp room and says they'll last 50+ years.. Is this possible?

  2. How would anyone know if it will be good in 50 years? And is your friend building a bunker because north Korea might bomb USA?
  3. He said his reasoning behind the bunker is for all instances but he nuclear fallout is his main concern. But I think he's more scared of Russia than Korea because their Nukes are stronger and bigger. But I was looking for someone who knows about how the compounds will hold up over time and if the psychoactive drug will differ, disintegrate, or just stop it's over-all effectiveness. I'm sure somebody knows.
  4. What I would do is run a freezer off of a photo voltaic system (solar with batteries). Then you could vacuum seal the wax or other concentrate and freeze it. Now I don't know about fifty years but I would bet money on at least five. Besides, you'll be wanting to grow fresh veggies so you'll need electricity to run the grow lights.

    There is no way you could throw ganja or a concentrate in a mason jar and store it in a cold dark place expecting it to last even a year. The oxygen in the jar would kill it slowly but surely as would the temp unless you could get it close to freezing otherwise.

    That's my opinion anyway...
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  5. Freezing is going to make it last the longest but for how long is the big question.... 50 is a very long stretch and being a realist I would have to say no way. Just jarring it in the dark would be setting yourself up for heartache.... Just my 2 cents.
  6. I think it's possible. Plus you said he has a grow room down there too, so he could just grow some more if he keeps some seeds down there with some good soil and a water source. Just in case the dabs somehow just don't work??...If they still can find THC in a ancient bong then I'm sure his dabs can last 50+years

    "The two bongs were used for smoking cannabis and opium, tests have confirmed, and were found with a number of other solid gold items weighing a combined total of 7Ibs hidden under clay in Russia where power lines were being put up...Those have to be the most valuable bongs on earth right now. They are more like bowls that were used for creating a vapor, but I don’t think we need to split hairs considering it’s 2,400 year old technology."
  7. I feel like if it gets to the point you have to live in a fallout shelter, you aren't going to have to worry about being around the next 50 years
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  8. Worried about weed in a fallout :laughing:.
    Hopefully you'll be alone, because when you start drinking more than your ration of water because "dabs", you'll be first on the BBQ :smoking: jk :ninja:

    No, your meds will not last 50 years.
  9. honey lasts 1000 of years and ive been doin more research on it and i think you guys are wrong :p. also on the rationing water part his bunker is over an aquifer
  10. Moisture will be bad for it. So it needs to be a cold dry place. 50 years is too long. It's not like it's a bottle of alcohol. The THC will degrade into CBN over time.

    That being said afghani keif would be cured in caves for up to 10 years before being pressed into hash. Hash would probably last the longest.
  11. if hash can last then by the same logic shouldnt rosin work too?
  12. Your buddy is going to live in a bunker and smoke wax for 50 years? That's fuckin nuts man lol.
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  13. Honey isn't even remotely the same thing as wax.
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