Can u mix hydro seeds into on plant

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by flawdaking, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I want to order sum hydro seeds is it good to mix ? I want to mix 3 diff kind and make into 1 plant is that possible ? Messed up on title little high and hard to type on iPhone
  2. I think you need to do some reading on how MJ plants reproduce. That should answer your questions.

    Quick and short, no, you cannot put 3 seeds in a hole and expect them to genetically combine and make super MJ plant, you would get 3 plants chocking each other out. ie. roots from one plant competing for space against the other 2. 1 seed per pot.

    Hydro is a method of growing, not a type of seed. Research my friend. Read all the stickys first.
  3. 3 seeds to make 1 plant? I think you need to do some even more basic reading on general biology even before getting to the stickies on GC...
  4. ]

    What if you actually smash them together REALLY hard?

    I keed :D
  5. Well then of course you get the super weed! Which not only buds at the flower sites. But also grows massive amounts of buds under the soil. Kinda like a potato! In fact I believe they call this strain The Super Killa Potato Weed.

    I keed :D[/QUOTE]
  6. [/QUOTE]

    I heard that shit will make you grow a third arm out of your ass.
  7. Out your ass? Than I guess I do have a problem! My third arm grew out of my genital area! LMFAO. Oh well at least my wife is happy!
  8. damn, give the kid a break...and no. fail. [​IMG]:wave:
  9. Oh wait a minute!:eek: Thats not an arm, it's just my member!:cool:
  10. Wow.

    OP. Thanks, you made my day and reminded me why I will never live in Florida.

  11. hey maybe he is just a linguistically challenged breeder...Maybe talkin about breeding three plants to make one strain. Ha no way he obviously doesnt even know how botony works let alone botony sex...
  12. I find my new extra arm to be very useful in masturbating while online as it leaves my other two arms free to type now. :ey:

  13. Now thats talent!!!! You should go on the show America Gots Talent.

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