I want to order sum hydro seeds is it good to mix ? I want to mix 3 diff kind and make into 1 plant is that possible ? Messed up on title little high and hard to type on iPhone
I think you need to do some reading on how MJ plants reproduce. That should answer your questions. Quick and short, no, you cannot put 3 seeds in a hole and expect them to genetically combine and make super MJ plant, you would get 3 plants chocking each other out. ie. roots from one plant competing for space against the other 2. 1 seed per pot. Hydro is a method of growing, not a type of seed. Research my friend. Read all the stickys first.
3 seeds to make 1 plant? I think you need to do some even more basic reading on general biology even before getting to the stickies on GC...
Well then of course you get the super weed! Which not only buds at the flower sites. But also grows massive amounts of buds under the soil. Kinda like a potato! In fact I believe they call this strain The Super Killa Potato Weed. I keed [/QUOTE]
Out your ass? Than I guess I do have a problem! My third arm grew out of my genital area! LMFAO. Oh well at least my wife is happy!
hey maybe he is just a linguistically challenged breeder...Maybe talkin about breeding three plants to make one strain. Ha no way he obviously doesnt even know how botony works let alone botony sex...
I find my new extra arm to be very useful in masturbating while online as it leaves my other two arms free to type away....like now.