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Can Switching Strains Effect Your Body

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by brody15, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. More specifically, I have a theory that sometimes, when I switch to a new strain, I get mud butt. I'm dead serious, I'll smoke the new strain for the first time, and out of nowhere, I get the mud butt.

    I'm either totally crazy, or there is some truth to this, or I have IBS.
  2. This has never happend to me, but how ever I do have IBS. I would go get seen by a doctor. Make sure you tell the doctors you think it might be IBS, it will save you alot of time and money. I spent over 3months out of school finding out what was wrong with me.

    -Pure Kush.
  3. You're actually better off just telling them your symptoms otherwise they might try and take the easy way out and only look for it to be IBS.

    The only thing switching strains does for me is help with tolerance. Different buds, different highs so my body doesn't get extra used to having one strain all the time.
  4. #4 garrison68, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    I don't think that a different variety of weed will cause those symptoms. I'd recommend getting to the source the problem. In my case I found out that I had Celiac disease, so all I had to do was eliminate wheat gluten from my diet - which is not easy, but it's the only known treatment.
  5. Did you get tested for celiac or did you self diagnose?
  6. Whenever I munch out the night before, and smoke up in the morning, I usually have to clear our a lot of shit. Do you munch out the night before?
  7. #7 garrison68, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Among other things I had very low iron and ferritin (iron stores), which is very unusual for men. After having gone through a number of tests that the hemotologists sent me for, including bowel scans, and not getting anywhere, we read about Celiac and many of the symptoms matched mine so I had the blood tests done, which were positive, then an endoscope and that futher confirmed the diagnosis.
  8. Probably not the strain switching. Mysterious though. I tend to not eat during the day and then binge at night with munchies too. So even with the stomach upset, I still pounded some food down, probably didn't help.

    Just wanted to cover my bases on what made me sick. Could also have been too much coffee perhaps.

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