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Can someone tell me something about what i have here???

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by ZactheRipper, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hello there, complete newbie here :wave:

    Can someone please tell me about what i have here? (in the attached picture)

    Is it good stuff? I know absolutely nothing about this kinda stuff and i just want to know if i made a solid purchase??? It gets me very high ... but anything does lol.

    Thankyou so much in advanced. :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. definately good bud man how much did you pay for that sack? :smoke:
  3. Picture isn't that great but for the best I can tell it looks dank. :)
  4. definitely dank. How much did you pay and how much did you get?
  5. I'm from New Zealand, so prices and quantities may not reflect your local standards!! :D

    I paid 40 NZD, it's 2 "tinnies" lol

    I smoked some with my GF in a mall carpark, then went in and spent like 30 dollars on chocolate and junk food! Next day i feel super crappy. lol
  6. Lol sorry for kinda jackin your thread but i was kinda wondering the same thing.

    Im new to buying bud for me (usually just bought with friends) and I recently got a new dealer. I picked up a quarter tonight and was just wondering what kind of stuff it was. It was only $50 so im not expecting it to be great or anything.

    And can someone fill me in on the whole low mids and low dank and terminology like that.
  7. yes its very nice

  8. Looks like some high mids or low dank
  9. nicee mids but idk about payin 50 for a qrter

  10. yo 50 for a qrtr of that nug aint bad (if you live anywhere but the west coast)

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