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can someone smell it outside?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KelseyCannabis, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. i live in an eight-plex. pretty small.. anyways could someone smell weed outside if they smoked it in the house? like down stairs.. all the way accross the whole house. ( with the window open) .. ? but it still smells near the door and there's someone outside like 7 feet away. plus there's a window open upstairs.
    just curious..
    i made a picture cause i suck at explainin shit
  3. sound abit paranoid, dont worry though. Do this to test: light up a small joint and just let some of it burn dont smoke any, and go to the spot and see if you can smell anything from there
  4. If they do smell it, they wont know where it's coming from, and they most likely wont care enough to do anything about it.
  5. #5 fucking baked, Mar 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2012
    Yeah one time me and my boy blew down the fatest joint and these little kids were like "it smells like pot!! Omg drug lolololol DARE class weed kills only losers do drugs" not really but they did exclaim that it smelt like doober from a good distance away from the area but we pretty much hotboxed the woods by the street they were on. I'd say your safe.

  6. haha u suck at making links too :smoke:
  7. I honestly didn't read the OP just because the picture didnt work
  8. idunno how to post a pic.. :(
  9. someone educate me ?
  10. Wow KelseyCannabis
    I am disappoint
  11. before you make a post. below the message box tehre is a button for attachments, click it and find your pic.
  12. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just use something to help cover up the smell like a sploof and ozium or something like that if you're paranoid.
  13. is this real life?
  14. Here. haha

    Attached Files:

  15. Aren't you the same girl who asked if smoke would go out the window, up one floor, into your babys room, and get the baby high?
  16. "moms blazin" Smoke comin out her room and smoke comin out your room lmao. I dont understand that picture, so yet another thing you suck at. The only thing you dont suck at so far is being paranoid:p But in the summer time you can close your door and put a window fan blowing out on high. It works very good to contain the smell in your room because it creates negative pressure sucking air in around the cracks of your door preventing the smell from getting out. Thats what i do, and theres no worries. But you gotta keep it running for like an hour or more after you smoke because your rooms going to still reek before the smell slowly goes out the window.
  17. Why does your mom have a dick :eek:

    That picture was funny though
    the copy and pasted smoke made me lol
  18. They've successfully digitized the Etch-a-sketch! :hello:

  19. Yep but my baby is at his dads, so stay out of my business and i asked a question so answer it or else don't comment at all lol

  20. lol i tried.....

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