Why the tips of my leaves are dying/Drying up what could the cause of this be ? this is a clone from a friend first attempt of mine growing Pics http://forum.grasscity.com/attachme...rst-closet-grow-tips-appreciated-p1010589.jpg http://forum.grasscity.com/attachme...rst-closet-grow-tips-appreciated-p1010590.jpg Thanks Dtv. Cones OK Pics are small http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/340496-first-closet-grow-tips-appreciated.html bigger ones there
Those plants are having some issues, but hard to tell if it is temps, nute burn, pH lockout, etc. It also looks like one of those plants got a big part of it chopped off. What are your vitals -- temps, how close are lights, pH, nutes used and how much how often?
Hey dude my lights are 2-4 inches away they are only 14-23 watt CFL's i have 4 of them set up yes a big chunk of it was dead, it is after all a clone it got cut off before i was given it, just checked the PH levels with a.. Lets just say, Not that great Ph tester but it said they are on 5.. what can i do to raise them i cant check the PH of my water i only have a PH soil tester. I use Seasol it is a Power Feeder Which contains all your normal crap a nute would have nitrogen, Potassium, Amino Acids protein etc. etc. Ive read up alot and i still cant find the problem i think i may have over watered it a bit soil is fairly damp, but just Transferred it into a bigger pot an watered that soil so ? Cheers for the help mate.