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Can someone please tell me exactly the difference???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by medicinaltoker, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Ok so my homie over her and he wanna know what the mflb feel like. I'm high as fick so I don't feel like explaining shit. So can you tell him exactly how different the mflb feels from smokin a pipe? Like list some experiences with the mflb.
  2. You will definitely have more of a head high than a body high. Lots of people like to describe the high as "clear." :D
  3. [quote name='"Yosh139"']You will definitely have more of a head high than a body high. Lots of people like to describe the high as "clear." :D[/quote]

    This ^ it's cause it's pure thc vapor instead of all the other shit including cannaboniods mixed in
  4. You get a lot more thc then CBD so it will be a very high like high. High in the head, not like stoned. When you smoke your getting everything thats why you feel a bit groggy so to speak. If you vape you get a very heady happy high (alliteration ftw) and if you smoke the leftovers you get a very stoney sleepy feeling.
    Limited knowledge + experience = this post ?

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