Can someone explain too me why people like presidents,senators,reps,and other high officials are so Ignorant about Marijuana? Like why are they so smart to get elected and shit but are so stupid too see the good of marijuana?
They get money from the pharmaceutical industry, the tobacco industry, the alcohol industry, and the prison industry to keep it illegal.
lol so true.. but its funny in a way.. with the way they are running OUR country right now, that pile of cash is much weaker then it once was. So I hope they keep on F'ing up to the point that the American people are so angry and desperate to fix our failed federal and state governments that the appeal of legalization is overwhelming to the voting public. So Keep up the Sh!tty work Gov't.
I like how it just came out how the NIDA does not support research for medical cannabis yet they oversee 85% of the worlds controlled substances. It really is a fucking sham for money.
Those industries don't pay the gov. to keep it illegal...I get your point with yes they make money from all that and taxes. They think people are angry if it was legalized and..100 other things.
because even if politicians think cannabis should be legalised, most of them won't want to stick their neck out for it. Some of them will be against it, and some of them will have other things on their agenda, and don't want to blow it on being outcasted as a cannabis legalisation hippie. And the ones who clearly set out with that adgenda aren't goint to get far, because they're fighting an upwards battle against other politicians who will disregard them. Thats what I think. The government is like a buffer that stops any change happening too quickly, like a thick resistance of old men.
I can see that. The Buffer Concept. But at the same time I would think that it would apply to significantly more important truths such as Alien Life, or Genetic manipulation. Cannabis seems so out of place.. what I mean is I cant understand why people allow themselves to be basically brainwashed by religions, media, textbooks ect... on a wide range of topics. I mean our society is actually a big joke as a whole if you really, really look into it. So I understand why some large portions of the public need these buffers to help their fragile little brains come to term with reality and certain truths. Cannabis just seems out of place in the idea that people need a buffer to accept it. BTW that is OUR governments fault as a result of decades of prohibition. I feel like its just rediscovering obvious knowledge and logic.
Actually, they do. Lobbysists man. The tobacco industry has over two lobbyists for every congressman. That's a lot of bribes, a lot of dinners, a lot of CAMPAIGN FUNDING. Everything.
I am NOT joking when I say.... If I ever win something like the Mega Millions Lottery and get $XXX,XXX,XXX dollars I would totally fund a massive push to legalize cannabis here in the US. I mean I wouldn't give it all away, but enough to make shit happen. I do know that It would go into educating the AMERICAN PEOPLE on the subject. NOT lobbying congressmen. WE THE PEOPLE would make it happen. Not buying it off from corrupt politicians.
Of course hahah I stumbled this and knew some members of GC had to see it, even though it didn't deserve a whole thread