Can someone explain to me...

Discussion in 'General' started by PilkyHigh, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. The legality of weed in The Netherlands? I know it's not fully legal, but I'm not sure exactly how it all works.
  2. Technically, the sale of cannabis remains an offence in Holland, and dealing in the streets is illegal. possession of less than 30 grams for personal use is a minor punishment, and coffee shops are restricted to selling no more than five grams per person( can find just every possible strain u ever imagined there..:D)
    you have to be 18 or over. Smoking in public is tolerated too.
    theres a distinction between hard and soft drugs.Hard drugs as cocaine, LSD, morphine, heroin are forbidden in the Netherlands.Soft drugs as cannabis in all its forms (marijuana, hashish, hash oil) and hallucinogenic mushrooms are for personal use althou in 2008 cultivation and use of all magic mushrooms was banned(unfortunately..)
    cultivation of cannabis is illegal.
    Importing and exporting of any classified drug is a serious offence.

    thats all i know.
    for more detailed information google.
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  3. It's not legal, it's tolerated;)
  4. Well mate, I have lived here for 18 years so allow me to explain...

    Technically marijuana is not legal but in small quantities (5 grams possession) it is tolerated if you are 18 or older, meaning that you may legally buy and walk the streets with no more than 5 grams in your pocket, without running into trouble.

    Smoking marijuana is allowed in many coffeeshops, and in the privacy of your own home but not on the streets or any other public place, you can get a fine costing you around €180.
    Although smoking in public places is not allowed, often you will find people who smoke in the parks or near the 'grachten' water for easy disposal, also it is very rare to hear of anyone being caught for smoking on the streets.

    Possession of cannabis plants are tolerated as well, the maximum quantity one may have at any one time is 5 plants (some people say 7 on the government websites it states 5) and one many only yield 30 grams of marijuana for personal use from their plants...

    I hope this answers your question:D
  5. It's only illegal if you get caught.
  6. blueend and subzero nailed it.

    even if up to 5 grams is acceptable, i doubt anyone would care if you had more as long as it you weren't walking around with a QP in your pocket :p
  7. Damn growing their would be fun.. balcony grows ftw..
  8. you can grow up to 5 plants outside! thats fucking awesome, its a shame mine got eaten :(

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