can some one tell me wtf I saw

Discussion in 'General' started by chimaira 93, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. So there I am.chillin in my car smokin a bowl at work all of a sudden I saw a red light in the sky and was travelling in a very unusual pattern I wanna say like a 60 degree angle...not very good ay angles then leveled out for a little bit then went up again at least 2-4 times and then it slowly faded away. I know I wasn't seeing shit cause my manager and like 4 other people saw.
  2. Obviously aliens.
  3. I know right...Damn aliens are comin for North Dakota...they're scopin this shit out
  4. Its hard to know what you saw without video.
  5. Probably my Pterodactyl...
  6. Sightings are becoming way too common now.
    The beings are preparing us to be ready.
  7. True that its just weird seeing something your brain doesn't have an explanation for it, it just makes ya wonder
  8. It was definitely
    The Moth Man :eek:
  9. you saw a ufo. literally.
  10. it was probally some red ligts :3
  11. it was probally some red lights :3
  12. Yep I was a aware of the red light but what made the red light man..maybe it was aliens and they had to land on earth to re-fuckulate they're engines....I wonder if they had space weed
  13. #14 Eight Sizzler, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Not trying to be an ass but these type of comments are useless , unnecessary, and make people seem like they are just trying to bring their post count up.

    not trying to single you out or anything.
  14. Unidentified flying object. Doesn't have to be alien.

    Someone tapeing a red light to a remote plane?

    Or aliens.
  15. #16 ThatFriendlyGuy, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Idunno man i thought it was pretty jokes :p. Nobody cares about post counts were all friends here, he was probably kidding around. I do that at times too. This isnt some formal business forum lol.
  16. Oh and yeah man those were probably aliens. Depending on how high it was. Remote control planes only go so high.
  17. It was BALLOON BOY


  18. It was "The Jetsons" :D

  19. OP: I saw almost the exact same thing on Thursday night.

    I was at a drive in and there was this orangeish red light in the sky, much brighter than a star. It was the only light in the sky. It seemed to jump up and down, back and fourth. It would fade out of sight then back in.

    It went on for about 5 minutes until it left.

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