Brah's I just have 2 questions and need some quick help: \n1) My plants are going through some nute lockout. I mistakenly have been giving the plants 6.1 ph'd water + nutes and I think calmag is not being utilized. \nI want to get her into that sweetzone of 6.5 for soil. \nI'm planning on flushing her then adding the last gallon with a mild dose of bloom nutes because she's 2nd week into flowering. \nMy first question is: Should I ph all my gallons of water (2 gallons for flush, 1 with nutes) to 6.5-6.6? \nOr should I ph the gallons to 6.8-6.9 to help it balance out with the soil ph of 6.0-6.1? \n\n2) I got 2 plants under 6x 42 watt cfls. \nI got 4x 2700's and 2x 5600's....Should I keep the 5600's on during bloom? About 1 week in so far. \nDoes the 5600 spectrum help out any bit in bloom? \nAny help is much appreciated