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Can smoking enduce anxiety attacks?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iwanttobehigh, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. #1 iwanttobehigh, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2010
    When i smoke i get paranoid and never talk to anyone im around. Its not that im not social but when i smoke i just space out hard and i cant even follow a conversation. Also when i do talk after i smoke ill be talking and then my words will just cut off. Like I cant get my words out, and i also feel short on breath all the time. Well I havnt smoked in a week now and I still have been getting anxiety for no reason. Ill just be sitting around my house watching tv and start having shortness of breath and a buzzing feeling all through my body. I just want to know if I should stick to not smoking for a while until I get this resolved or wait. I really want to enjoy my high again. I also get a loud ringing in my ears. If anyone else has had these symptoms is it anxiety or something else?
  2. Damn sorry to hear that mane. Ive felt pretty paranoid a few times in the past myself but nothing serious. I had one friend that had a REALLY bad panic attack once though. I wish I could help you out more man =/ Maybe you should go to a doctor and be put on some xanax or something. Feel better mane hopefully youll be able to enjoy your Mary Jane in peace and happiness. ;)
  3. Honestly, dont start taking xanax.

    I used to be a nervous toker when I began smoking. It turned out that I was just smoking too much at once.

    What method do you use to smoke? If you are new, then a whole joint could be entirely too much for you to have a comfortable high. I reccomend going to a headshop and getting a cheap GLASS pipe. You can pack small hits and just take it one hit at a time.

    As your tolerance increases, the highs get better imo. But after your tolerance is high, you wish you got as high as you did when you started. Give it a good 15min to kick in before hits.
  4. I have such a high tolorence. Ill smoke a 1g blunt and not get that high at all.The only reason im not smoking now is because my connect tries shorting me all the time and i have no one else to buy from. I love smoking and still would be but my high could be 3x better if i got these anxiety issues fixed. I just want to know if anyone else has had this same problem and how they got over it
  5. I didnt mean that he should be taking xanax, Im just saying maybe he should see a doctor. If you have random anxiety while your watching TV sober then thats not exactly something to ignore. Ya dig? Safety first mane, safety first.
  6. maybe try vaping?

    Its a much cleaner high, I bet you would fall in love with one.
  7. Hey man, I had never had a panic attack before, but about 3 months ago I smoked a few bowls and My throat really started to hurt and feel constricted. It felt almost as if i had cut my esophagus or something (hurt to breathe). So yes, they can trigger them. I got to the point where i started panicking, and wondering if i should go to the ER. It was prolonged because I kept thinking about it. This has happened a few times since but the key to anxiety attacks is to tell yourself that it is exactly that and to calm down. Just tell yourself none of the symptoms are really life endangering and just relax. The more you focus on them the worse they will be and the longer they will last.
  8. When i was in college a few years back a good friend of mine threw a whitey of titanic proportions ( basically had a full on panic attack) because we were smoking in his kitchen and some cops appeared in his back garden. Even though it turned out they were following some other dude and swiftly moved on, he freaked out and swallowed a big chunk of resin we were smoking to hide it....:eek: Man did that go downhill real fast. We laugh our asses off about it now, but at the time it was not good. So yes smoking can enduce them if the conditions you are smoking in are not what they should be.
  9. i used to have some anxiety issues (both when smoking and just as part of my day to day life) and the best answer in my experience is to just take some time off and not come back to weed until you know you're ready. it might sound shitty to not smoke for a while but being sober is 100x better than being really stoned and dealing with anxiety attacks
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