can seeds be put right into flowering

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mike2885, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. can seeds be put right into flowering if not what is the min time a plant can veg for

    if i put a plant right into flowering will the yeild be worth it
  2. you can but it will be a guess on time for plant to mature. but you can veg for one week then 12 for rest of life. plant will show sex at about one month and harvest 8 weeks later ( roughly )
  3. won't really be worth it, but you can give it a go. You will just have a bonsai pot plant. I would allow at least 2-3 weeks of veg minimum.
  4. time is a real factor if i veg for a month i will have exactly 65 day to flower and i dont to the have to chop them to early
  5. your plant will need to mature before it can flower. it will mature faster under 18/6.
  6. Why would you want to do this?? You will be spending cash on lighting to get virtually no yield.

    It will be far more efficient to grow to a good size then flower.
  7. so I was thinking about this
    I just wanted to know will it be good quality if I veg for a month then flower?
    will there be a large difference if I veg for two months before flowering?
  8. I plan on 1 month veg period and got 6 oz off 1 plant.
  9. The longer you veg the larger your quantity, should not necessarily have anything to do with quality. Yes, there should be a large difference between 2 months vs. 1 month vegging, could more than double your yield.
  10. RULE OF THUMB: plants must be 11-13" minimum before you flower

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