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Can pot really "not work the first time"?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by redhead420, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. I finally got somebody I know to try pot and it did nothing. He smoked plenty to get high but he felt totally normal and was so disappointed he said he never wants to bother again!

    My friend says for some people it doesn't work the first time... is that true or is the dude actually immune to pot!?:confused:
  2. It took me till my third time to really get high, but I think it was because I didn't hold it in long enough or something. But ya I've heard a lot of people say that they didn't get high the first time. Once I did though, :hippie:
  3. i think your friend isnt inhaling into the lungs.

    make a gravity bong(easy) that will help push things right along :smoking:
  4. Try to find some dank. Some really good quality herb. Smoke that and I'm sure he'll get high ;)

    P.S. I got WAY stoned the first time I smoked. The highest I've ever been!
  5. I think it is a learning experience, the first time I got moderatley high, but it wasn't anything too special. The second time I got super high! I would tell your friend to give it another shot, but don't pressure him into doing it too much.
  6. Most people say "I'll only smoke weed once" but really you should "Only get high once", most people I know (including me) had to smoke a few times the first time.
  7. The only time this is true is when the person is not inhaling correctly. This happens to almost everyone who doesnt smoke cigs before they first try weed
    Even if you inhaled and immediately blew all the smoke out, on your first toke you would be mad high
  8. The first time I tried, I was the same as your friend. I smoked a few hits each from three different joints, held it in deep and long, and didn't even catch a buzz. My friend was incredibly disappointed (and high) by this point. Three days later I tried again, from the same bag, and for seemingly no reason at all it was great.

    The way I look at it, in some cases a person who's new to cannabis and has never had THC in their system almost needs to prime their receptors a little before they can get a good effect.
    Some people definitely get blazed their first try, but it's true, a lot don't.
  9. I really do believe that some people cannot get high their first time. I was smoking with a friend and his cousin once. His cousin never smoked before. We explained to him exactly how to take a hit and he did it exactly the way we told him. He took a couple of decent sized hits from a bubbler and he didn't feel anything at all.

    I want to know how long a person has to wait after their first time to actually get high. A day? An hour? A week?
  10. My first high wasn't anything like the highs I get now. Mostly cause it was shitty dirt weed and now I'm smoking mids and kush.
  11. I don't know, I definitely did.

    I hear a lot of people say you don't get high yer first time though.
  12. my first time i didnt feel shit, litterally prob 10 times till i felt accually high high, this past year for me is the best and highest ive ever been and it still feels this way, i just started smoking like end of 2009ish. smokin daily
  13. All depends on the person, there's been ideal situations where the person didn't get high and some where the person did. Its basically one big fuck I dunno :confused_2:
  14. Its like when I first was trying to learn how to smoke, I thought I was inhaling correctly after my friends showed me how and I wasn't getting high. Then another friend showed me a technique that helped me get the hang of it. The whole time I was NOT INHALING AT ALL, even tho I was sure I was doing it right. Its no big secret, just learn to inhale
  15. He'll come back.
    The taste alone... shit... it's so good.
  16. I'm new to smoking, too, so I don't know if I can show him what he's doing wrong. He LOOKED like he was inhaling... what do I tell him to do?

    He said it burned his lungs really bad, actually.
  17. have him take gravity bong hits i got to cloud 9 high my first time off of those maybe its because i took like 8 though
  18. I've never really understood the "not getting high" for first timers. I got blazed as shit the first time I smoked, it was incredible. But I have seen and heard about this phenomenon enough that it makes me think it is entirely possible.

  19. What finally helped me was, my friend did a kill hit(you know where you suck the smoke in your mouth, open it and then inhale the smoke in) and I immitated that and immediately got fucked up. I had to get the hang of that feeling of pushing the smoke into your lungs with air
  20. His not breathing it in right[​IMG]

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