Can plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by l StayHigh l, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. live on their own with little to no care? Just letting them grow naturally after you know they are strong and big enough?

    Anyone ever done it? Im thinking of planting numerous seeds throughout where I live and only checking them a few times, then going back at the end of grow season to hopefully harvest something :D
  2. My buddy is trying to get plants to start growing wild in our area. He puts out plants both male and feamle in various places. Although he never goes back to see if they did anything, so I guess the point is mute. He doesn't care about harvesting, he just wants them to take over,which would be a real neat thing. Keep up the experiments, I say.
  3. Oh im for sure gonna check them atleast 5 times. Im gonna get them started nearby then take them and put them somewhere with adequate shade and sunlight, some ill put in direct sunlight. Im gonna also make sure they are female also so its not a huge waste of time. Im also thinking of doing a grow in a treetop this year.
  4. My buddy just mentioned growning in a tree also. I said I was going to plant in my yrad amonst the blackberries and he suggested that I put pots up in my trees. I may try this too.
  5. yeah man. I think its a good idea. What can we do to camouflage our plants though? Im only talking about growing one per tree top. I gotta feeling birds would go crazy on it. Nests, anything.

    Helicopters DO fly around here flowering season. It would be SO easy and legit to grow in a tree top with hidden steps to go up it ( none if possible ). the platform would be easy to make also.

    *** Quick idea paint sketch ( hahaha ) But its how I would build my platform in the top of the trees. The angle of the picture is from a planes view. Find 3 trees nearly close by, nail 2x4's to each three, lay down other 2x4's for a floorboard then nail a flat sheet of wood across the top of that to make a little platform. Leave the little spot open and enough room to work around it without falling off the tree paha

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  6. I grew one out in my garden, but was super busy all summer. I watered her maybe once a week, at the most. Pinched it twice to keep it short, it grew to be about 2 feet tall and gave me 1/2 O of the dankest lemony bud ever.
  7. Im definately gonna try it this year. Mygirl got robbed last year two weeks before being done ( 8 foot tall sativa, started in April ) It was my first plant ever I learned alot off of it, this years gonna be redddiccculous
  8. It's absolutely possible to grow plants without ever checking, I did it just last summer. Not returning to remove males, which I also did, makes it pointless though, hehe. I still learned quite a bit from it though.

    As long as you get sufficient rain and no horribly hot dry spells, you're golden.

    Aside from the water all you need is either potent native soil, (which I am blessed to have here in Iowa) or holes filled with a good organic setup. No time release nutes!
  9. Thanks. Definately doing it this year. What soil do you recommend?
  10. Pro Mix by Premier Horticulture. You can always get good info at your local garden or hydro store though. Just tell them you want some good organic potting soil without the time release nutes. If you have to settle for Miracle Gro with the nutes you can always blend it with your native soil to even it out ya know?
  11. Miracle Gro Organic Choice is a good mix, i had plants started at the end of July reach 3-4 feet by the end of Octobor. Just make sure to add some lime and some perlite and its good to go.
  12. #12 champloo, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    I have reason to believe a plant inoculated with a mycorrhizal fungus could live on its own without care or nutrients a lot easier than just seed and dirt.

    If you think about it, how do all these wonderful plants and trees all over get so big and strong, and live so long without care from humans. Because underneath the soil, what we don't see is the fungus growing on the roots of these plants protecting them from disease and providing nutrients and moisture to them while aquiring their own nutrients essential to survive (carbohydrates ect.).

    Just something I feel like everyone should be thinking about.:D:smoking: happy growin yall
  13. ^^

    what champ said.

    happy growin! :D

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