can never get an answer around here

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by SicNazT, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. planted my seed a little over 100 days ago, didnt keep track of flowering but its gotta be around the 8th-9th week, 80% of the hairs are orange and receded back into buds, trichomes look clear/milky, maybe some red (so hard to tell without proper tools. the buds are sticky an smell decent.
    i have to chop in 7 days or less regardless of finished or not. i think im gonna just wait the full 7 days but last night it seemed to have rained really really bad (surprise FL storm) went out to see the plant is really wet and buds are all soaked. i shook it out and placed it into spot that gets most sun and breeze throughout the day
    should i worry about mold, should i just chop now and get all the wetness shook out better and dry it?
    not gonna post a pic til i can get a answer from someone who seems to know something
    most people on here seem to be all young kids who wanna look at pics of weed or other kids who wanna act like they know something and tell you 2-3weeks no matter what point the plant is in

  2. You answered your own question. You said you will
    Cut them in 7 days regardless. So does it really matter what anyone says.

    Do you have any pics. Lol.
  3. #3 MDFinest, Oct 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2014
    You can't get answers because when the student is ready the teacher will appear. LLS. Anyway as long as you get airflow AND sunlight the plants usually dry up just fine. It really is dependent on your microclimate and your genetics. Anything after 6 7 weeks in flowering I usually get nervous when it rains but they do just fine. Only chop when you know its a imminent storm coming your way that'll last a few days. No need to get anxious just relax unless it'll be very high humidity for a sustained period or you know genetics tend to mold easily. As far as when to harvest that's up to you. Not everyone is doing the same thing with their produce so I have not the slightest idea when you should. I harvest when the calyxes go into that final stage of swelling and at the first hint of amber.
  4. Dude, this site is full of golden knowledge, you just gotta look around.
  5. I understand tht and iv learned a lot from the people who do know stuff but. 9/10 do not.

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  6. K so I'm in fl humidity is like 70%. Calyxes are swollen ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413303067.499015.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413303101.189443.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413303131.959732.jpg

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  7. you say 9/10 people don't no shit but neither do you??if people take the time to reply most of the time there trying to help you,writing stuf like this will get you no were,if you say people keep saying wait 2 weeks its probably right and if you don't want to except that buy and scope and find out if its ready yourself

    9 weeks left
  8. Wrong!!! 5 outta 10 Haha!!
  9. You can learn something even from beginners. It's how you look at it. But I just got to this site so I can't speak on the knowledge here. Yea the calyxes are really starting to swell and you said it's clear/milky. I would harvest between 1-3 weeks if I could push it. It's up to you honestly. I try to get a nice balance between quality and quantity. You want to know where your trichomes are at but I let the calyxes swell to a certain point but I try to harvest before extreme senescence when the trichomes starts to degrade. 
  10. ok most i can do is 7 days , plant has to be cut and finish  drying by the 30th so that will give me a good 7-8 days of drying, then i can just toss them in jars to cure out of site.
    this is just a tough spot for first time grow, cut too early get no potency cut to late all potency dies off haha, 
    that and the florida heat, humidity and rain scare me
  11. one last thing if someone knows, since i got about 1 week left, you think if i cut the smaller bottom buds that arent growing anymore it will help the bigger top buds beef up even more ? in other words cut bottom half now to make top half better in 7 days or leave it all and let bottom half get 1 more week to grow taking some of the energy from the top?
  12. I've taken buds from the tops that were ready ' cloudy trikes' but the lower buds weren't ready yet. The best I can tell you is get a jewelers loop or a strong ass magnifying glass. It's worth it man .
    Good luck!!

    Green grass&high times forever!!^_^
  13. I feel like when they are truly ready you don't even need a scope. You can see the amber heads with the naked eye.
  14. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336308.569076.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336332.950395.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336393.604568.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336416.115941.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336429.322305.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413336441.316257.jpg was bored so I took some pics if buds while cooking. Also some in trimmed bud drying that I cut

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  15. Welp I decided to chop it all. Went out this mornin to a lot of few and softer then normal bud. So I decided since I only have a few days available anyway that the risk of leaving it out weighed the reward. And sure enough it started pouring right after to I feel it was the best decision.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  16. NICE! So everything worked out...

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