Can mycorrhizae be harmful to humans

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by storz, Jul 15, 2018.

  1. Can humans be infected by any species of mycorrhizae??
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  2. Of course. That's why gardening is the most dangerous hobby in the world! ;)

    Wild dirt is full of that stuff so I doubt it's really a concern or we'd have to garden in hazmat suits.

    Plenty of real dangers to worry about these days. Trump is still president so that should fill anyone's list of top 10 things to worry about alone.

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  3. OK so you really don't know.
  4. Micos live on roots, they need roots to survive along with a very specific PH.

    So even if you breathe in a cloud of spores nothing would happen because they require those conditions. I mean you still shouldn't breathe in spores of any kind but my point stands.

    In nature it's just a simple organic structure and since it's non toxic it's safe to consume.

    So no mycorrhizae are not harmful however there are parasitic strains that can be harmful to plants.

    "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
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  5. I really know it's not something I'd ever worry about.

    Every breath you take contains spores, dust, bacteria and virus' of all kinds. Not to mention particles of combustion from fires, diesel exhaust and on and on.

    If you inhaled clouds of myco it sure wouldn't be good for you as any fine particles in large amounts will be harmful. Clouds of perlite dust would be way more harmful as would many more substances.

    I've smoked tobacco and pot for 50+ years so any nasty stuff I breathe in gets trapped in the tar lining my lungs and can't hurt me anyhow. ;)

    Like moldy pot. Everyone freaks out about a little mold on some buds. Toss it all out they cry! When we were kids we'd moisten pot and bury it to get moldy in the mistaken belief that it made the pot stronger. Another stoner myth but nobody got sick from it. If I get mold on any of my buds I toss them in the oil pile and then it gets filtered thru a very fine lab grade filter that removes any spores after extraction.

    Ever since I was a kid I never thought twice about eating veggies straight out of the garden. Pull a carrot out, brush off most of the dirt and chow down. It is actually good for you and introduces beneficial bacteria to your guts that helps you digest your food and make many nutrients more bio-available. Science is finally coming to the realization that raising kids in a sterile environment is unhealthy and has lead to the huge increase in allergies, asthma and the like. Kids raised on a working farm are a lot healthier than their city cousins because of their early exposure to germs that tunes up their immune systems and makes it stronger.

    Snort a line of myco and if it kills you, you can blame me OK. :passing-joint:
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  6. The Berlin Wall.

    "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
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  7. w
    were rebuilding a wall. wonder what it will be called in 200 years ? deport everybody. i disagree with this bullshit. there are jobs everywhere shortage of workers here. lot of people from mexico working. they work there asses off have families. the do not have a piece of paper so they get deported. people with paper do not work get free insurance free food stamps free housing free cars. things are backwards. lets deport these free loaders. keep the hard workers here in the us.
  8. If you actually knew anything about history (or very clearly politics) you would know I was referring to the poverty side of the Berlin Wall being healthier (in regards to immune system) due to exposure to more bacteria.

    "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
  9. at least i know what is wrong and stupid this wall. yes i missed your point.
  10. Aaaand it has turned into a dick measuring contest, ladies and gents.

    Anyway OP: It is not dangerous to humans. If you really wanted to know 100% for sure, you could take down a list of all the species in the supplement you’re using and individually look up each one’s toxicity to humans.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  11. I was wondering what that was a bout. Rather vague but true enough. :)
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  12. The studies are worth a read.

    But it goes to show you that exposure to environmental factors lead to immunity and adaptation.

    "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
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