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Can my RooR be fixed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by integra14, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Hi im semi new to GC. Came across an issue bout a week ago when my RooR fell over and the female end of the water resevoir snapped of and was stuck to the diffuser. I called a local glass blowing company and they wanted to glue it together. However it split into too many pieces IMO. I understand that the property of glass can be heated and is pliable and moldable, but would it be possible to re-mold on the beaker a new place for the 18.8 diffuser to fit into. I just want her to be "like new" again for myself. I am greatful for all of your suggestions and hopefully will be able to contact a blower who does fantastic work. Here are some pics....

    Attached Files:

  2. kind creations does repairs.
  3. RooR has a thing on their site about repairs. just send it back to them clean.
  4. Boy am I glad the Germans started shipping out bistabil joints for ROOR USA... cause man that thing is THIN!

    ROOR has an authorized repair shop that they print on the inside of all of their boxes. I have no experience with them nor anyone else who has used them.

    I've seen many repairs by Preston at and a few by Kind Creations in CO.

    I always recommend Preston's work.

    I'm pretty sure you're referring to and this tube is American. They don't ship tubes to America brand new or repaired.
  5. You could get some clay and mold your self a new joint.
  6. Send it to me :D.

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