Can my plants still make it????

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Roster, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Ok so my problem was my soil. So i changed it about a day again and things got really bad. But now all the conditions are ok. But my plant is in critical condition. Is it possible for her to still make it :(

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  2. I've seen plants come back from some really bad stuff. that one I'm not confident about.
  3. there may be a sparkle of hope, why is it dying? there's new growth you can see it, hopefully it'll still be alive within the next 48 hours.
  4. I had a seedling go through heat stress and basically collapse and shrivel to nothing but now she is taller and bushier than one of my other plants and healthily growing buds like a good girl. Some extra tlc for your plant in the right way and she will be fine.

    Try not to baby her as seedlings die at a high rate if they are treated too much like babies and not left alone.
    Too much stress and contact is not good until she's a little older.

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