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Can medical marijuana be used in jail?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Eu4ik, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. I know that a federal prison would not allow something like that, but how about a local jail?

  2. I highly doubt it.
  3. Yeah me too, but it would be interesting to hear otherwise.
  4. OP, you bring a good question. I wonder how that does work in an MMJ-friendly state?

    Technically would be legal, but chances are the prison "management" would probably have no way of really handling the dispensing of it without causing some serious mayhem in the jail.

    That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit came about because someone was outright refused medication. The issue there is obviously the definition of "medication" varies, but in cases where people are truly suffering and traditional alternatives carry heavy side effects or allergies and MMJ is the ONLY viable option available, well, hrm...

    Here's another scenario. Legit MMJ-card holder gets busted for having MJ by Federal DEA agent, who books them in a State facility. Why should the State even recognize or acknowledge the Federal charge when under State law it's not a crime? Should the State even have to provide resources for a (non) crime?
  5. Since most state laws say you can only use in a private residence, and not in public locations or outdoors or where you can be seen, and since it's still illegal federally, they most likely would just make you take their own painkillers or whatever.
  6. Getting a doctors recommendation in my state, i believe, has to emphasize the fact that you are not ok with the hazardous side effects of prescription pain pills.

    I know that you can't smoke a J, and go back to your cell with blood-shot eyes and reaking of some killer sativa..

    But maybe a few drops of some tincture could be beneficial.

    WAIT! :smoking: IDEA!

    All the pot the local law enforcement get from busts, goes to a collective jail stash!

    Inmates get medication break

    tokinITguy You bring up some great points. I hope if any entity could bring forth a lawsuit it would be someone who could persuade our Leaders to take action.

  7. haha, sounds like a plan
  8. No, I have not read or heard of anyone being allowed to use MMJ in state or federal prison. I believe that it's specifically excluded.

  9. ASA : Becoming a Patient in California

    G. Housing

    California's medical marijuana law does not require the accommodation of any medical use of marijuana on the premises of any jail, correctional facility, or other type of penal institution in which prisoners reside or persons under arrest are detained.
    However, pursuant to SB 420, a person shall not be prohibited or prevented from:

    1. Obtaining and submitting the written information and documentation necessary to apply for an identification card on the basis that the person is incarcerated in a jail, correctional facility, or other penal institution in which prisoners reside or persons under arrest are detained; and
    2. If a qualified patient, using marijuana for medical purposes under circumstances that will not endanger the health or safety of other prisoners or the security of the facility.
  10. I'm not even aloud to use medical marijuana on my college campus (IN OAKLAND?!?!?!)... I doubt they would allow it in prison...

    Who knows, though. Maybe Charlie has taken over Corcoran.
  11. In an ideal country yes, we live in the United States though.
  12. If anything it would be in pill form. Its not like prisoners are going to get joints, thats definitely a no no.

  13. Thats some fucked up bull shit. Theres so much weed on college campuses anyway what difference could it possibly make?

    interesting hypothetical. food for thought.
  14. Are you going to jail, OP?
  15. Storm Crow - Thanks, that really clears it up.

    Crunch - I bet your school wouldn't mind other forms of ingesting it..

    S.B. - Nah man, I just worry if I ever forgot a parking ticket or something..

    In the end, I would believe that if I had non smoking forms, as well as another doctors recommendation..

    It could be done.
  16. I know that in my hometown in oregon it is not allowed in Jail, Im not sure about the rest of the state but there was a recent ruling locally that determined that MMJ was a privilege and jail is all about having those privileges revoked and that unfortunately the inmates would be required to seek pharmaceutical help whilst behind bars.
  17. they have every kind of drug in jail bro just ask around when u get there...aint gonna be cheap though. good luck.

  18. Hopefully that ruling will be overturned. :mad:

    After all if you need something medically, how can it be a prviledge? :confused::confused:

    If you required a pill would that also be taken away? :eek:
  19. Not everyone considers medical marijuana to be as effect or as real of a medicine as tradition pharma medication. I think that medication in a pill or IV form falls under that pharmaceutical category.

    They aren't going to deprive a diabetic prisoner from their insulin, for example; he could die.

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