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Can me and my friend get in trouble for smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Steezus Christ, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Well obivously but heres the situation. Me and my friend smoke over the weekend, it was his first time. The next day at school(were both seniors chill) my friend went up to me and told me that this one kid ratted him out to the principal that he smoked weed over the weekend. I dont know if he ratted me out, but he ratted him out. I told him to not say any names, drink a lot of water, and let the whole situation blow over and not say a thing about it. But my question is, could we get in any sort of trouble for this? Could they drug test us? He would pass but i deffinetly wouldn't. Please help me out with some positive advice gc i can always count on you guys.
  2. well depends on your schools policy. At my high school they werent allowed to drug test us unless we were athletes. Check out the school rulebook, and look over the drug policy A LOT. thats how i got out of a lot of trouble my high school career. i was like my own lawyer. :p
  3. As long as your name wasn't mentioned by your idiot friend or the narc he showed off to, you're safe. I don't know if it's even punishable by your school since you did it on the weekend.
  4. Sounds like you Americans have it rough, if this was in Australia your question would just recieve a round of laughter. I'm glad I didnt go to school in the US. :p

  5. Well we do have a great public school system. Compared to some third world countries.

  6. *cough* public schools are shit *cough*

    America is the land of busting in on others peoples buisness and pointing fingers at them ffor doing something society dosent like
  7. #7 Anubis578, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018

  8. word only some tho our shit sux on ice
  9. shit well i did sign a sports contract that says i cant do drugs or alcohol, FUCK:mad: However there is no evidence AT ALL of this situation happening so yeah i dont think they can do anything, i hope.
  10. Why didn't he just deny it?

    They have no proof whatsoever. They have NO legitimate reason to be suspicious. He should've just acted pissed that he was even being accused when they had nothing but this dumbass little snitch's word that it even happened.

    Why did this kid feel like he had to go to the principal? He sounds like a fucking loser. Who tattles on their high school peers for things that have absolutely nothing to do with them? At my school, the principal would've told that kid to mind his own damn business. And it's not like he was some superstar principal that all the kids liked. He wasn't cool. He just had common sense.

    High school :rolleyes:
  11. They didnt call him in yet so he didn't even talk to the principal about it.

    And my exact thoughts. This kid has no right sticking his head into my buiness, AND going out of his way just to be a fuckng douchebag and a dick and rat us out. Like who the fuck does that?
  12. I'm glad to be high school free
  13. im glad i go to a school where if you don't smoke pot, you're just an outsider. rofl i have a couple of teachers that toke alot of bud.
  14. lol, you're in public shcool right? nothings gonna happen, nothing whatsoever...

    but if yuou go to some crazy ultra strict catholic school which dt's you, you may be in for trouble
  15. *cough* going to a private school is paying $20,000+ for shit you could get for free *cough*
  16. ok read the school handbook and first off if ur in a public school in us then u probably cant get in trouble if u did it in the weekened like i got rated out i was having a party on sat and this snitch told on my saying i was gunna have beer and weed at my party they just called my parents and i said it was a rumor i was baked out my mind when the guy was talking to me haha DONT DO THAT if ur a one of them other schools idk what they called i forgot im stoned i hope this helps just do ur best keep ur cool and when its over have a nice fat hit peace :smoking:party:yay:
  17. Dont worry man, they cant do shit to you. Tell your friend not to let anyone scare him into being a snitch. The school can not drug test you, if they EVEN accuse you or said friend of using, act angry that they would even suspect it, especially from some kid with no proof whatsoever.
    Just have you + friend lay low for a while. DONT smoke with bigmouths or even tell one that that you have ever smoked.
  18. You could deny it, and deny taking a drug test because I believe they have to have your consent before they are able to make you take one. Also it didn't happen in school so they couldn't do shit. They might make you go to a guidence counceler in school or something. Possibly if you fail the drug test, kick you off any sports teams your on, If thats in your school policy. There isn't much they can really do though. Personally I would tell them to fuck off if they tried to ask me about it.
  19. Yea, cause you're barely on par with 2nd world and behind most of the other 1st world countries.

  20. I went to the top college prep in my area and it was $7,500...and I'm pretty there are no high schools that charge 20 grand...

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