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Can it be done?!

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by tfunkadelic, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Is it possible to smoke enough through a bong to cause the water to boil? Just a small straight tube or something....

    Someone do this please.
  2. no.....
  3. It's hard enough to boil large amounts of water with a concentrated heat source and you want to do it with the heat from the smoke ?? lol

    Also why would you want to do it?
  4. No I don't think that is possible to be honest.

    I seena video where someone had a vacuum system run through a bong figure and had a small cigg holder.
    He would light the cigg and turn it on and it would smoke the cigg through a percolator to show how bad the water got.

    After 400 the water was black, and I don't think the water was boiling.
    And in my opinion if it could happen, there would have to be a lot of people smoking from it lol
  5. Pussy, every time you smoke your goal should be to make the water boil.
  6. OP I dare you to do it now and video it, take 3 torch lighters pointed upwards under a beaker bong, wait for it to boil then take a hit.
  7. no...why would you think that?
  8. You guys disappoint heavily. If I can't come on here asking about boiling water with massive bong rips without criticism, where the fuck am I supposed to go?
  9. Nowhere man. Its the dumbest thing I have read here. And that is saying something.
  10. mad people been trolling and talking sit heavy on this site lately.When i first came here it was all cool and calm i have not once seen shit talking then.but in the last two months allot of shit talking and trolling has been going on
  11. You must of been high off your ass when you made this thread.
  12. Nothing has changed. You've just gotten used to the site.
  13. Yes, it says you haven't read much on this site! :wave:
  14. It takes me like 10 minutes to boil water on the stove so if you're even gonna come close you're gonna need ALOT of weed and your gonna be blowin for a while lol
  15. No facepalm in all of the internets is powerful enough for this kind of fail.
  16. Holy shit, this thread was meant as a joke. Are you guys fucking dumb?

    Chill out.
  17. It's just your attitude man, the 'are you guys fucking dumb'..

    Just perfect..

  18. Holy shit, did it seem like I was serious? It's the internet man, are you fucking dumb?

    See not so nice when someone says it back to you.
  19. Haha I just got rep from tfunkadelic saying

    lol fail, thanks for the rep and the new green bar homie ;)
  20. ITT: Trolls trolling trolls for trolling.

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