Can i wire more than 2 PC fans ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PTw33dman, Sep 28, 2005.

  1. I wired one pc fan to a 12 v plug today and just because i was curious i went and got another one to see if it would work and it did. But will this put any danger/hazard (a fire or something shorting out) Please Help. Thanks
  2. it shouldnt, as long as when your splicing the wires together, just cover em up with something, like Electrical Tape or those wierd little cones electricians use, they are like 20 for $1
  3. yea i have those but are you sure it wont overload because if it is only 12v Plug then my fan is 12v 2 of those would be 24v you know what im saying?
  4. noo man it will not take up 24v ,, what the fans will do is split up the power so they will get like 6v each which might run them at 75% of their power if uhook up the positive from fan number one and the positive from fan number 2 too the positive drom the adaptor and same with the negatives,, u will be good,, i would have one fan on onside of the box and the other on the other side man both at the topp itlle be good,, keep the distance of the wires for both fans equal though that will give u the most power and output ,, 1
  5. thanks bro when i take my pictures tomorow i will take a picture of my room you will like what i did:p

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