can i use urine from someone older than me???

Discussion in 'General' started by bfuller, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. #1 bfuller, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2012
    :smoke:hey fellow stoners i have a drug test coming and ive purchased the urinator. this is a pre emplyment drug screen not probation or parole. i was just curious i was going to use my dads urine which is clean but he is 59 will this be a issue im 25. if so is synthetic urine an option??:wave:thanks guys please reply asap due to this ua coming up!!! please help
  2. You will be fine using his!!! Way better than synthetic if you have the real deal!!!
  3. Lol @ 'the urinator' :laughing:
  4. As long as they don't find a grey pube in it you're fine
  5. lmao you seriously have to ask this question?
  6. hey old man
    pee in this cup for me
  7. We all know that animal urine is the best clean piss anyone can get.
  8. ive used baby piss before >_>
  9. "don't worry baby bro, I'm sending this to the labs for testing." literally.

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