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Can I use distillate from vape cartridges

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Joker1121, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. #1 Joker1121, Dec 8, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023
    Can I use distillate from carts meant for vaping for baking? If so, how do I get it out of the cartridge? Usual decarb for concentrates?
    Edit: it may be a moot point as I cannot get the mouth piece off an old cart. These carts aren't cheap and I don't want to ruin a full one.
  2. Some just screw right off
    Others need a tool for separating the mouthpiece
    Usual decarb for trates and take into account if terpenes were added so you can adjust taste
    I've used carts a couple of times for edibles
    Use silicon spatulas

    My tools for distillate
    Keep boiling water nearby and put your tools in a plastic baggy or something that can handle and transfer heat

    I'll pm the video I made for a friend that gives a rough idea of what to do
    Its one shot deal so its bad, like all the others but much worse
    Did it for someone who was reluctant to try to empty the carts
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