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Can I use a Pepper Grinder as a Weed Grinder?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by UmphPool, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. #1 UmphPool, Jan 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
    Im using this :[​IMG]

    Just curious If this would work as a grinder. Im in college and this is all I have im sick of using my hand. Me and my roommate have a Vape, and I personally have a Bowl that I smoke around campus. But im curious if any of you guys have converted this into a Herb Grinder?

    Theres cheap convince store's by my campus that sell grinder but thats all weed/ train money for the city. This is our last ditch effort before buying a grinder
  2. No one? Anybody?
  3. yes you CAN
  4. Try it, I don't see why not?
  5. Try it, i think it would work great.
  6. Heres the Problem how do I open the top? haha
  7. twist the lid off, and then dump the pepper out, and then... Uh hold on lemme get mine. Nvm I dont have one, But no reason not to try it?
  8. No I mean how do I take the grinder of the container
  9. I don't know about how to open it. Maybe you could call the company that made it, looks like McCormick, and say that you ran out of pepper. Ask them, they would probably know. :)

  10. They said there not designed to come of lol
  11. You grab the Grinder portion with one hand, grab the glass portion with your other hand, and pull, I literally just did it after I read this
  12. Why not just buy a real grinder? Hell, you can get a plastic one for like 5-10 bucks. But honestly, why not just shell out the 30-40 dollars for a nice 4 chamber grinder?

  13. Cause im in college I need money to spend on food, pot, alcohol and money to go to the city with the GF on Valentines day. And remember college parties are almost 5$ a pop unless your in that frat.
  14. You can use it, take out the pepper. Clean the jar thingy. Then fill with weed and grind like you would pepper
  15. Just get a shot glass and some scissors. Put your non-dominant hand over the top of the glass, stick the scissors between your thumb/forefinger, and go to town. It takes like 20 seconds.
  16. You can bust the glass at the bottom as a last resort.
  17. Those are designed to be thrown away after use so I don't know how well they will pull apart although someone already on here said they did.. At a head shop you can get a cheap plastic grinder for around 6-7 dollars.. Not a bad investment..
  18. I have the same pepper grinder in the photo. I had to use a screwdriver to pry the plastic off which broke it. Also, the actual grinding mechanism would need to be reversed in order to properly grind, so short answer (Not really short) No. BUT if you made some modifications I'm sure you could easily make it effective. Or you could look for loose change on the ground and you would have enough money for a cheap grinder before your modifications could be completed. Your choice :D
  19. iv been using this for a while works wonders nice fine weed perfect for compacting into a J and its an awesome smell every time you open it
  20. I don't think it would work very well, pepper is extremely easy to grind compared to weed.

    I bet it will get jammed up.

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