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Can I put rocks or gravel in my bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Chiefhighahoe, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. I was in a head shop the other day and they sold a product that was a jar full of small sherical rocks, the idea being that you put them in your bong and the bubbles go through the rocks making smaller bubbles, and you could freez the rocks.

    Then I thought, I could just find a bumch of small rocks or gravel, and make my own, i would clean, boil, and bake them first to make sure it was clean, but do oyu guys think this is a good idea?
  2. It does sound like a cool idea ... but i think id be a little nervous about having a lot of rocks i found outside in my glass bong
  3. #3 ckycampmember, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012
    Diffusion Stones

    is this what you are talking about?

    i would just spend the $10-15 on the real stones instead of putting rocks inside a piece of glass.

  4. The link you gave 404

  5. try it again. weird, i just copied and pasted but somehow the link address got changed.
  6. Forgive me for being slow, what would this do?

    Very new to all of this.
  7. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']Diffusion Stones

    is this what you are talking about?

    i would just spend the $10-15 on the real stones instead of putting rocks inside a piece of glass.[/quote]

    This is what there were

    Basically marbles

    [quote name='"MangledChipmunk"']Forgive me for being slow, what would this do?

    Very new to all of this.[/quote]

    The theory is that the bubbles with smoke hit against the marbles and break up into smaller bubbles which produces a smoother smoke. Kinda like a perc but with marbles

  8. they create more bubbles when you hit the piece.
    which gives you more diffusion.

  9. More diffusion means smaller smoke bubbles and the smaller the bubbles of smoke become, the more efficiently they are cooled. STONES give you the smoothest smoke imaginable; improving your pipe beyond what was ever thought possible.

    i dont actually talk like that haha copy and pasted
  10. I think i might have to get me some diffusion stones Im curious as to how well they work
  11. I had some diffusion stones in the first bong I got, they do work really well if you have a simple bong. Just have to be careful putting them in, broke a downstem when I was drunk putting the stones in once lol.
  12. I use marbles. got a huge bag at a toy store for like $5.
  13. The level of safety would depend on the chemical composition of the rocks!

    Example- Pretty green serpentine and olivine contain fair amounts of asbestos, which is NASTY to your lungs- causes cancer and all that! :eek:

    I would just get some marbles- Dollar store has bags of marbles a lot of the time! Or check aquarium or craft shops if you want something else fancier than common "cat's eye" marbles. :D

    Granny :wave:
  14. #14 CaliBudE, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012
    [quote name='"Storm Crow"']The level of safety would depend on the chemical composition of the rocks!

    Example- Pretty green serpentine and olivine contain fair amounts of asbestos, which is NASTY to your lungs- causes cancer and all that! :eek:

    I would just get some marbles- Dollar store has bags of marbles a lot of the time! Or check aquarium or craft shops if you want something else fancier than common "cat's eye" marbles. :D

    Granny :wave:[/quote]

    So would marbles a ctually work ..... I think they would crack my bong jumping up n Down against the glass .......

    What about about jumping beans
  15. Thanks for the input! I think I am going to try with some marbles, im sort of broke. Ill tell you guys how it works!
  16. "rocks" was a bit misleading.
  17. Dude, what the fugg would this do to help your bong? i think it would chip the inside,.....
  18. it does't chip anything, they stay in place and the smoke diffuses around them. Been doing it for years.

    Granted it makes the bong much heavier so you should be careful as always.
  19. I bought some of those marbles today at the headshop kinda like BBs... I wonder if BBs none lead of course would work better? don't know... after wards I thought, that was silly I have a bag of marbles from when i was a small child haha... anyways long story short, I mixed large dime size marbles and the glass BBs from the head shop I notice a difference a lot smoother and harder to judge a hit haha.

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