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can i make tea from stems?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by o.g.420, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. I have a good amount of stems and I wanted to know if I can make tea from them. If I can will you fellow tokers give me some pointers?
    Thanks a lot. All feedback appreciated!
  2. you're going to have to activate the THC someway by heating it with some fat. If you really want tea i'd sautee some cream on low heat with the stems in there, filter it with a coffee filter, make some good tea and add the cream, and you're set to have some Tea-hc.
  3. I am collecting stems, which I plan to soak in pure ethanol (high proof liquor would work), then slowly evaporate the ethanol, which in theory will leave me with some fairly pure THC, which could be made into tea or various other things.

    But yeah, you need to either heat them with some fat or dissolve the THC in alcohol. I believe isopropyl is a good solvent too, but you'd need to be enitrely sure to evaporate all of it before consumption.

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