so i live in the country and i cant grow inside because of the smell and i rent the top of my house and they dont like the smell of weed. i like the money so i have a ventilated room i smoke in so they dont have to smell it, but my there is a corn field rigth next to my house can i just put some seeds there and water it however much? its getting to be summer so its wont be cold anymore, how bad would the bud be since it would have no nutrients other then the nitrogen in the field already?
ive thrown some seeds in my front yard before and it started to grow but i cut down becase i dont need to get arrested xD, before i planted them id put them in a bag with a wet towel so they grow a little whatever thats called than plat it in a hidden spot that still will get a lot of sun and water it how ever much i need to, just wont have neturents, would it be just like ditch? even tho it is a good strain? or would it just be a shitty version of the strain i grow and still better then ditch
Shit I don't know about growing it natural like it does places just depends the ground your throwing them into wouldn't expect much off em at all I would spend 10$ on some slow release nutes just to get more yield instead of waiting 6 months for a ounce
It will depend on the type soil that is in the corn field. If it's good rich soil, the plants will grow just fine as long as they get sufficient lighting and not get shaded out by the corn. The stuff is a WEED. It will try it's best to grow even under the most awful conditions. I know of no better way to grow it than in good rich dirt with good drainage. However, if this is not your corn field, you'll need to understand that the maturity time on a field of corn and for a few plants might be on different schedules. Corn is harvested when it's ready or it will get too hard and dry out. When they come through and harvest a field of any size, they start at one end and go down the rows stripping each plant. Your MJ plants need to be left out as long as possible and won't even start to bud until after the summer solstice has passed and the hours of daylight start to decrease again. We didn't even put ours out last year until the middle of June and harvested around late September. So you've got to keep that in mind. But yes, it would work and if you've got good rich soil, it would work well...assuming there is avid light for all the plants. TWW
Germinate first, cornfields suck, .. just don't. Go to the woods, find a good marker, enter woods OFF trail and go deep Locate a sunny patch Plant Take like 6 2L bottles, filled with water. Attach a 6inch hose watertight and lead it like a siphon under the roots (it will only drain water as needed if a dry spell hits) DoN't go back to "check". DONT tell anyone! Check before first frost, bring a home a 6 footer. P.s edited: autocorrect is retarded. Cheers
Corn fields are sprayed with herbicide designed to kill weeds. Marijuana is a weed specifically targeted by most herbicides.
As the previous comment says, about 2 months from now they will spray round up on the corn. Find a shelter belt, abandoned farmsite, public hunting land,etc.
Also if you were to grow photoperiod plants harvest time would probably coincide with the corn harvest or maybe even after. That would run the risk of being chewed up by the combines or discovered by the farmers working the fields. I live in the middle of illinios farmland and have spent much time working on farms in my youth. Wild hemp used to grow everywhere and is something farmers have to keep in check today. They know when people are messing with their property. Foot prints leading to a marijuana grow or anything and you're fkd. Photo or auto, farmers are in and out of their fields all year long. Evidence of trespassers isn't hard to discover and follow. If you live right next to the field it would be pretty obvious.