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Can i get some help from so seasoned tokers?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BUD-, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Work does random drug testing. I've toked before with high-mids twice, got effed up both times! One was a head high bug time, thought these 18-21 year old kids were 5 year olds and everything felt like i was in a dream haha i was scared shitless, i did not see those effects coming. Then the second time was DEFINITELY body high holy crapola. I smoked out of a waterfall bong, took like 5 big hits, damn im dumb ha. That was a bad idea, no tolerance whatsoever and toked like ive been tokin for years. I walked back and forth in my kitchen like 30times no lie, and was locked on my recliner for hours watching CNN nonstop haha that scared me shitless, i felt like utterly stoned, it creeped me out. ANYWAYS Idk if i can smoke the real thing anymore, i was just starting to get used to it and now work does random drug testing. FML, now I need some advice.

    I've heard of legal buds. Idk if they work or not, but i need something. SOme say they work some say they dont but hell im desperate. Do they make you fail drug tests? Im pretty sure they dont but im just making sure. I've heard of Serenity now, red dawn, and shit off of Advice?
  2. As far as I know, legalbuds sucks ass, look for diamond, spice etc or go straight for their main component JWH-018 (research this HEAVILY as it is a pretty potent chemical). As far as I know, JWH-018 doesn't show up on tests as it metabolizes completely different than THC, yet since it stimulates the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, it produces effects that are very similar to the good 'ol weed.

    Happy Toking!

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