Can I get a species change operation?

Discussion in 'General' started by AdamM, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I know some people get sex change operations when they feel they were born in the
    wrong gender.

    I want to get a species change operation. I feel that I was meant to be
    born a dog. I will not deny my inner dogginess any longer!

    I want to show the world my true self and stop denying who I truly

    Does anyone know of any doctors who could perform such an operation.

    I am a heterosexual male and will still enjoy sex with human females,
    but as a dog.

    Please reply if you have some serious advice.


  2. You're in luck...

    Dr. Smith,
    25 Western Avenue,
    Tel. No. 002536218429

    When you call, tell the receptionist that "The trees are yellow in craters", she'll know what you mean...

    GL OP :)
  3. #3 punkooo., Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
    Well, I knew a guy who got surgery to become a dolphin once. It actually didn't look too bad; think they called it a 'dolphinplasty' or something like that..

  4. find a fucked up plastic surgeon , Michael Jackson was trying to look like peter pan so i don't see why not
  5. Why do you think your a dog...

    Dogs cannot perceive that they are dogs,so how could you know you
    are one?
  6. Sometimes you just know.

    It's like asking someone how do they know they are genetically
    supposed to be male or female without factoring in the body he or she is in.
  7. are you loyal, do you get overly exited when someone comes home, do you get overly exited for any reason, do you shake yourself dry after a shower, are you afraid of the vacuum?

    thee are the questions you must ask yourself first before you are ready to make this journey
  8. Do you shit on the carpet?
  9. More importantly, do you drag your anus on the carpeted floor as you propel yourself forward with the help of your paw's?
  10. #10 Eric111E, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    I hear they are getting good at the negroplasty. Maybe its something you should consider if you want to have the swag a black man

  11. +rep for the in depth description of the act of dog butt itching, im still laughing

  12. They don't know what they are supposed to be...

    They are just so incredibly gay beyond belief that they have to take
    it so far that they go full circle and just change sexes..

  13. I've done this once. Actually it was on news paper. However, I want to be a well trained dog.

    I will only go poop and pee when my owner lets me outside.
  14. It's been done before...


  15. I want some swag...but I don't think it's worth it if I have to
    be a black man for it.:D
  16. I think the term for this disorder is Caninification
  17. Yes, caninification.

    Whatever that means.

    Is there something wrong with being born a dog in a human's
  18. When you become a dog, come back here and confirm the myth that dogs can't look up. +rep will be given.
  19. wanna fuck goats, don't you?
  20. Why does wanting to transform myself into a dog translate into
    me wanting to fuck goats?

    No, I don't want to fuck goats.

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