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Can I get a medical card?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by jvjr408, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. I have add / ADHD can I get a card with this?
  2. That depends on where you are, allowable conditions vary from state to state.
  3. Since when is GC your local doctor? pay him a visit.. and I also agree with the above post! :):smoking::wave:

    sadly im assuming no. I dont know if many people (I know I cant, and all my friends) who cant even study while under the influence of the ghanj.

    Its way more distracting... haha shit that basically gives you temporary add/adhd in a way.

  4. i dont no were u live but i no in cali u can no problem all u need is docter records showing u have it and u can get one
  5. I think it will be difficult in some states as ADHD is normally treated with stimulants like ampehetimines, not with downer reefer.

    In California, I think you can get it if the sun is bright on your eyes (LOL).
  6. How stimulants work in ADHD (as per the federal govenment)
    Stimulant ADHD Medications: Methylphenidate and Amphetamines - InfoFacts - NIDA
    If you go by their model, cannabis should work quite well:)

    From Granny Stormcrow's most excellent list:


    Marijuana and ADD Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of ADD
    Therapeutic uses of Medical Marijuana in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder

    Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder
    Cannabis as a medical treatment for attention deficit disorder - File psychiatry/psychology - Hemp and Medicine - Welcome to! The specialist for hemp (Cannabis) in Switzerland

    Cannabinoids effective in animal model of hyperactivity disorder
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? - Cannabis 'Scrips to Calm Kids? - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

    Science: THC normalized impaired psychomotor performance and mood in a patient with hyperactivity disorder
    International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

    Cannabis Improves Symptoms of ADHD

    Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC
    Unbound MEDLINE | [Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC] Journal article abstract

    Recipe For Trouble (anecdotal story)
    Recipe For Trouble - 48 Hours - CBS News

    Why I Give My 9-year-old Pot
    Why I am giving marijuana to my 9-year-old autistic son.

  7. Sweet I live in Cali so I can get one no problem
  8. Also were would I go to my doctors or a mmd? To get the card?
  9. Would a doctors paper that says I was diagnosed with it be ok or does it have to be written ?
  10. In cali, go with a photo ID and the medical documentation saying you have ADD, then go to a MM doc and they will write you an additional doctors note (this is the one that important to you). With that in the state of california all you need is that paper and a valid photo I.D. and you can go to dispensaries.

    Have fun:smoking:

  11. Will the mm dic give me a card or where do I get a
    card the way you say it. Don't need one

  12. You can either pay (the state) to become a registered user with an actual card, or you can carry around the recomendation from the Medical Marijuana clinic doctor without having an actual card. If you want the actual card you can find that information here:

    Medical Marijuana Program

  13. if u say you researched it and found out weed is way healthier and you wont get addicted to it they will give it to u and the younger u are the easier it is to get it you can get it at as young ass like 8 years old
  14. Thanks alot everyone Ima get a card free smoke outs on me :)

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