can i cut off the leaves that aren't growing bud?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dude1, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. plant is 3 weeks old. and the leaves from the beginning are big and only 3 leaves, and im sure nothing is gonna grow out of them, and theyre just giving shade to the new coming leaves . so is it ok that i cut the huge leaves?
  2. NO!!! Leave them leaves! Only cut off the stuff at the lowest level that are not getting light. Even then, be careful not to trim off too many leaves. The big fan leaves are especially important to your baby so be sure to leave the big ones. Only cut off the small wimpy suckers at the bottom of your girl, that's all. :D
  3. Think of the large fan leaves as your plants "solar panels"-they're needed to collect light and provide energy to the plant so it can grow.
  4. Exactly. Having trimmed fan leaves in the past, I can say from personal experience you get much faster growth leaving them on. Your side stems and bud sights will push up through the canopy, but you want a full undisturbed canopy for light that isn't caught by the top portions of the plant.

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