Can i clone these?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by greedyfly2k11, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. #1 greedyfly2k11, Dec 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2011
    They are cuttings with the "tops" cut off. Tops were used for clones.

    these still have two nodes each... they are



  2. can't see the pics and am not about to start an account to view the pics. If I were you I would view them in a new tab and right click and save them to your computer then repost them here.

  3. uhhhh why? cause i asked a question and it had a link in it?

  4. are u serious bro ? first if ya send me a link and i need to register to site to see wtf ur talking about is gay ....second if you put potential clones in a zip lock and not a cup of water u just have zero common sence
  5. with the size I would say no. the small areas that are buds that is where you would clone, the stem on those are very small and I would guess that it would be super hard to properly clip and make stay in what ever medium that you would be cloning in. Plus those have already started the flowering process so you would be cloning and revegging. Not saying it 100% can't be done but it would be way more work than it is worth.

    How ever you could take the end of that stalk and place it into rooting compound and start a plant from that and as the bud sites grow out you could then clone them. But again that would be more work than it was worth as you still would have to reveg.
  6. hell to the no.

  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:rolleyes:

  8. First off i stated why i put in the link....second many people have accounts at many places other then just here...third this is the absolute beginners forum? No? just asked a question!

  9. Thank you Sir

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