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Can edibles take 12 hours to hit?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Trippybear, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. I had a weird experience with an edible yesterday. I drank a Delta 9 carbonated water, and I thought it didn't work because nothing happened until literally 12 hours later. I had a psychedelic trip, which usually happens when I take edibles, but it scared me because I wasn't expecting it. Is that normal for an edible to take that long to hit?
  2. No.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. did you consume on a full stomach?
  4. Nope, I drank it on an empty stomach. It hit the next day while I was eating breakfast.
  5. Edibles are still the unknown side of weed, it seems most fuckups are teens tying to out do each other
    no shit even a person has died from an edible, see THC Overdose: Has First Death From Marijuana Exposure Been Recorded in the United States?
    If you are on a poor diet or eat non regular, then you can expect 'flashbacks' at any time the whole operation of
    edibles is to allow the stomach to digest the shit, but if you got any thing else in their, it will screw around for ages,
    like the chic that died you could try a stomach pump?
  6. Bro this is at least the second time you've posted some flat out absurd shit about "weed killing people" and now you're saying you can get "flashbacks" "at any time" from fucking edibles? I'm not even doubting that you might have your heart in the right place, but this is some grade A bullshit.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  7. You feel you have a right to censure me?
    I quoted with links go bitch at the links, 2nd time too? where's the first
    you gotta an issue see the mods its what deniers do no?
    welcome to my ignore .........................{!!!}
  8. Well I feel like an idiot. Apparently I had accidentally taken a big edible about an hour before I started tripping. I'm blind, so I can't read labels. I meant to take a fiber gummy, but instead I accidentally took a THC gummy I didn't realize I had. I only just found out a few minutes ago when I asked a friend to look at the "fiber gummies". Oops.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. @Vee please just fuck off with this bullshit you keep posting.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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