Im not talking about your conscious but like when you read silently you know that little voice in ur head. or like when your thinking really hard about something. Can deaf people hear that voice i dont see pysically why not seeing as your ear drums have nothing to do with that but if theve never heard words before...idk this confuses the shit out of i talking about there conscious,i always though consious was what told you right from wrong but is consious just that little voice in general? ok i better stop typing im confusing the shit outta myself and i probably jusy confused the shit out of you.
that is a question that perplexes me too.....i would think there is a voice for those that are partially deaf and for those that learn sign language. it has to have been researched but i never googled it.
I doubt it. That's like saying a blind man can see colors in his head even though he's never actually seen them. But then again I'm not deaf.
Well I know some blind people can see colors and light, but good question, if they understand sign language I would think they have that thought process.
They probably think about the same things as us, but probably in a mannor more using emotion and instinct. You know how you can have an idea without actually spelling it out in your head? I'm sure they have ideas and thoughts like ours but the way their mind processes them is different than somebody with all their senses functioning. When I get an idea it's more of an abstract thing, I'm not actually talking out my idea in my head. The whole thing just kind of comes to me, and then I translate it in my head. I'm sure it's the same sort of deal.
i think i read an article about a def woman who was could her classical music in her head and then she some how got her hearing back(read this a while ago) and it was better than the real classical music so to answer your question, yes I do but i'm not def so i can't know.
Yes they can, iv been dating a girl for 2+ years and shes a amazing person, being deaf has nothing to do with their mind, what they think in their head though may actually sound different then what words really sound like, if one was to be partially deaf then they would probaby have a more realistic way of how the words actually sound This is a very ignorant statement, blind people can still see images in their mind, just differently than what you would think Lots of people are very closed minded about these things, waitin on the world to change
Mm, I closely knew a girl who was born deaf a couple years ago (we've drifted apart since) and she told me that she never really saw/heard words in her head, but that instead most of her thoughts came in the form of moving pictures, images, and ideas. I imagine it's much like it is for a baby. They can still think, they still know what they want, but they don't know words so most of them form thoughts with pictures - at least, that's what I've read. (Not saying deaf people's intelligence is lesser than or comparable to a baby's, just that it's possible that since neither of them can understand spoken words they may think in a similar way.)
I would think so.. maybe not exactly words but ideas sure... I mean, do you hear your thoughts with your ears or do you just kinda... think them?
Well in order to think, they have to have a consciousness. The consciousness is the voice in your head, it's not actually a sound, it's the brain transmitting signals into thoughts.
Your mind just adapts to think in the senses it's got to work with, I'd think. So they probably see words or lip movements or sign language in order to form what we'd call our conscience. I doubt they can hear a voice in their head if they were born deaf and have never heard before. Ideas can be spontaneously created but sensory imagination has to do with memory.
Like I said, it's not an actual voice like most people think, its just a way to describe it. No sound is produced just signals from transmitters in your brain
Everyone has to dream or you would go crazy and die. A chemical called dimethyltryptamine (dmt) gets released in your pineal gland every night when you sleep. When you die your brain releases massive amounts of dmt.. So the answer to your question is yes, they probably just don't dream the same way someone with vision does
Yes, and no. To "hear" yourself talk in the mind in the normal sense that we do, you would have to have heard speech. Only they know for sure. It's not the same as blind people, because the brain can form images without eyesight, other stimuli can influence this. Read about synesthesia, that partially explains this. You can use your hands to see, and there are actually artists that can paint and sculpt without ever having seen an image, ever. Some are surprisingly good at it, too. Congenitally deaf people most likely picture themselves signing to think like we do, since eyesight replaces sound in this case. (Unless you've had the ability to hear BEFORE losing it), they could imagine sound, as I'm sure they constantly do. If I were born deaf, I know I'd constantly wonder what it's like to hear, and I'd spend a great deal of time imagining.
I would cry like a bitch if i went deaf. Like if all of the sudden im deaf,but if i were an old old man and it happend gradually over time it wouldnt be so bad. I mean dont get me wrong it would suck but not as bad as just being able to hear one second and the next second you cant.
Synesthesia could happen in blind/deaf people, but it depends where the defect actually lies. If it's a problem with the ear or eye, the brain most likely can still produce sensory information on those senses according to the sensory organ. If the problem is in the brain, somewhere in the temporal lobe, then I doubt synesthesia can take place.