Can Cannabis be used to treat depression?

Discussion in 'General' started by Julio Barton, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. If Yes so, which strains are useful for the treatment?
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  2. When I understood what depression was, I then realized I have been depressed since age of 4 or 5. (I started kindergarten age 4)
    When stoned, I either dont care or just not aware, , ,
    For me, whatever gets me high, , , ,
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  3. The only thing that is going to help with your depression is YOU

    weed is going to open your mind. But it’s up to u, to use that tool…to learn about and discover yourself

    learn who you are and who you want to be
    Learn what you are now and what you don’t want to be

    that darkness is never going to go away but there is also a light to guide you from it. The more you put into yourself, the brighter the light will shine

    stop giving a fuck about everything. Learn to think for yourself. Stop listening to people and do what you want

    it’s hard
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  4. Interesting, so ever since you started school, you haven’t been yourself
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Short answer: no
  6. Cannabis is a depressant. That doesn’t mean it’s going to make you depressed but it does bring you “down”. That then may or may not help or hurt your depression.
  7. I don't have any week and am depressed about that. When I'm honestly depressed weed always makes me feel better.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Try yoga and meditation .
    You'll feel better.
  9. The way I see it for myself, I dont think I'm clinically depressed but I do tend to overthink sometimes and I do let certain things get to me more than others, i haven't been dealt the easiest of lives by no means, but when I smoke I find it just helps me get out of my own head for awhile, it helps me wind down, it makes the big things seem less big, it helps me think clearer..and I find its made me a better person, much much calmer, I dont get irritated over the little things as dont get me wrong I don't NEED it to function properly either(I can and do go without often just because), but I find it just helps my days go much smoother. I also use it for pain management, not that it takes my pain away fully but because it just helps dull it away..and I think which strain is best depends on u, not every strain is going to treat everybody the same, it depends on how YOU prefer to feel
  10. Cannabis is not a depressant. There are five recongised categories of drugs. And cannabis has it's own dedicated class:
    - Central nervous system depressants
    - Central nervous system stimulants
    - Opiates and Opioids
    - Hallucinogens
    - Marijuana
  11. I find if I smoke marijuana i'm fine. But when I smoke and then binge on junk food and watch shitty tv shows, that's when I feel depressed.
  12. Yes in certain cases but then you would be would be dependent on it to mask your what happens when you can't get it? Weed withdrawal are hard enough the first week or two.
  13. #13 eriodadarrio, Nov 2, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
    It's an interesting topic! The use of cannabis for treating depression is still a debated subject in the medical community. Some people report feeling relief from depressive symptoms after using cannabis, while others might experience an increase in their symptoms.
    On a broader note, mental health is a complex field with a range of conditions. For instance, megalophobia, the fear of large objects, is a specific phobia that can deeply affect someone's life. You can learn more about this and other mental health topics at
    Always remember to prioritize your well-being and seek professional advice when considering any treatment.
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  14. Probably doesn't help that most people only use THC strains. A bit of CBD in the mix or even a CBD dominant variety can be of great benefit to those with cognitive disorders, not to mention all the other lesser studied cannabinoids that the same can probably be said for.
  15. Weed and bourbon relaxes my ass right out so I'm not depressed anymore. Throw a Xanax on top of it and I'm as high as a kite.
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  16. #16 Gromoboy, Nov 7, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
    I think it's probably possible. But I've never tried to relieve depression that way. For me, an effective remedy for depression is traveling. Travel provides a change of scenery and a break from routine, which helps relieve stress. Getting to know new places, cultures and habitats can take your mind off everyday life and give you a new perspective on life. If you take the time to choose a destination, make an itinerary, for example, with the help of the website, the trip will become a personalized and fulfilling means of stress relief.
  17. Seems to cheer people up.
  18. Man when I first started smoking I would ALWAYS stop at the grocery store on the way home and eat some of the donuts in their bakery. They were so delicious lol

    but whenever I went during the day and got some, oddly, they wearnt as good
  19. one time when I was sick, I had the medication, but I was feeling better-I tried that houston cocktail once…pain med. muscle relaxer and I forgot the other one. My body immediately didn’t like it and I threw up lol
  20. It helps with mine bc the high takes me out of that dark place and puts a smile on my face. It's different for every person though.

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