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Can bongs just break out of nowhere?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Blazedmymindbro, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I have this 250 dollar bong that took me weeks to save up for (No job). It's so nice, really. It looks pretty sturdy and no airbubbles are anything. i was wondering, can bongs just break down after regular use? I bought it from a kid and I don't know if he handled it well. I've had it for like a month and used it 3 times.
  2. It was the pixies and the gnomes that broke your bong
  3. Troll? I never said my bong broke.
  4. I think he misunderstood you.
  5. Bongs are just glass (unless you get acrylic), so handle it the same way you do with glass. Glass could break from hitting something/being dropped, or from excessive heat (either hot or cold). Bottom line, just be careful with it, it can't break unless you do something to break it
  6. bongs can spontaneously combust if proper procedures are not followed to the T.
    1. when i first smoke out of the new piece i obtain priest blessing water


    2. wherever you place your bong make sure the surface is 100% level


    3. when moving the bong more then 5 feet 3 inches place it in a metal case to ensure its safety


    4. your biggest risk of it breaking is when your passing it to your buddy. you need to practice the hand off as if you are a olympic athlete training for a relay race.


    please if anyone would like to add to my tip list dont hesitate

    ***notice the focus
  7. sometimes glass tends to have certain tensions in it's material structure and breaks during fast temperature changes... but normally not 'out of nowhere'

  8. Watch 'Bong Wars' on youtube... it's a good example of how glass can be hit, flawed, and hold and maintain its shape until it endures one additional, tiny tap.

    So in a word or two, yes, a 'used' (or even a new) bong that may have been handled roughly in the past, can break almost out of nowhere.
  9. All I'll say is remember to not leave it outside to freeze in the cold.
  10. things don't break by themselves, physics.
  11. I heard that if you don't use your bong often, it gets angry and will either run away and find a new owner, or just spontaneously shatter.
  12. question is, why the fuck would you spend $250 on a bong.
  13. fixed that for ya.

    Its a very good question. 250$ is way too much to spend on ANY used smoking equipment.
  14. #14 BrewCityLegend, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    Why do people spend $60,000 on a new Corvette? A $5000 honda gets the job done just as well.

    Besides, $250 is on the lower end of the price range of quality bongs. No need to criticize anyone for their choices.
  15. not for sure on this but if you go from hot to cold it could affect it, probably best to keep it in a dry place with a constant temp
  16. Haha this reminds me of a story... One time me, one of my stoner buddies, and this girl were smoking in his Caprice. He had one of those Christmas tree air fresheners in there. Him and I were in the front seat. When the girl wasn't looking, he lit it on fire with a lighter. It started to burn, and she started freaking out. He blew out the fire, and we convinced it was something called "spontaneous combustion":D
  17. ya don't leave the bong on a counter below waist level when you are done people don't look down when they walk around that's another tip to avoid it getting broken
  18. Lol, hate to break it to ya but heat isn't cold bro. :rolleyes:
  19. Handle it gently and put it away when you are done using it. Also try not to clean it high, I broke my bubbler by knocking it off the sink table while washing another when I was high.
  20. Um. It's 1 and 1/2 foot tall.
    It has a glass naked lady up front.
    It came with an ashcatcher
    It has an ice-pinch
    It's a color changer


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