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Can anyone identify what's going on here?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by LED1sttime, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. I originally thought it was early cal/mag issues several weeks back then found out my soil pH was <5. I flushed to 6.5 pH and now it rests at 6.8. I assume pH fluctuation definitely has a part in it, but I figured it would have recovered by now, though. I'm now thinking it may be a manganese deficiency but I'm not 100% and want some more opinions.

    Attached Files:

  2. From further research looks like it may still be a cal issue. Anyone have any recommendations on what I should do here? First grow and stressing over it lol.
  3. Are u feeding calmag? is it the same ph everytime or still bouncin around? What nutes are you feeding? What is your ph?
    Is that coco u growin in? If so did u flush with 5.8 ph water and add enough nutes to have 250ppm
  4. Sorry, really should have included more info. I am at the high 6s throughout the last 5 or so waterings, I am using the GH pH kit so I can't be 100% accurate, but I know it's high 6s. I am in soil, Fox Farms Happy Frog, I fed for the first time a couple days ago, 3ml Big Bloom 5ml Grow Big from Fox Farm Trio. Some extra info, Temps are 73-77, sometimes reaching 79, never above that. AH is 45 currently. This plant is a Northern Lights auto from seedsman, day 33. I've researched some since I posted originally and decided to do a lime/water foliar spray and see if it will clear up what's going on. I believe it's a cal issue upon further research, but still uncertain.
  5. B2D7E3BE-6B0A-4E2E-BCDE-17130E1368A6.jpeg
    Credit for pic goes to well known member MAC
  6. I’d say it’s a cal mag issue not sure what brought it on though. Prob should of fed earlier? Doesn’t look horrible though see if it clears up over the next two weeks if it’s not spreading and those older leaves don’t get worse then ya know ya fixed it. Is that where your fan runs 24/7? I’d move it away from the plant just a FYI.
  7. Yeah I run an oscillating 8" and a small 6" desk fan, one is on the soil non stop and the other moves air, do you think it's getting wind burn or something?
  8. Also thank you for the pH chart, helps a ton.
  9. And I did the foliar spray with garden lime, but some of the residue stuck to it so I did a water only foliar after that.
  10. I highly recommend you buy a decent pH meter if you are currently using the liquid indicator. You need something thats more accurate than a color guide to keep your plants happy.

    Im speaking from experience, I used liquid indicator and had some issues for a while, even though the color always looked the same to me. After I got a pH pen I havent had a single deficiency. Definitely worth it :) good luck!

    Conrad's 1480w QB Corner [Perpetual Grow]
  11. I totally agree but I just don't have the money to drop on a decent one and I didn't want to settle with the $15 generic ones, I've had too many break on me too quick. I ran across this pH meter, thoughts on this? Still affordable but seems decent with a decent customer service as well. It's the
    Dr.meter PH100-V on Amazon
  12. I got one of these. It has calibration liquid and storage liquid for the pen. Works great. I cant speak on the one you showed. Screenshot_20190607-054303_Amazon%20Shopping.jpg

    Conrad's 1480w QB Corner [Perpetual Grow]
  13. Gotcha. Just gonna bite the bullet and buy that one then, thanks for the recommendation my man!
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