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Can anyone eyeball this?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by wizkoltz, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Have about 3 buds here. Think i wanna sell them off but i cant eyeball amounts, can anyone guess the weight of these? its about 10 bucks a gram here in Oregon.[​IMG]

  2. was that shit just picked from the plant ? trim that shit, get rid of the big green leaves. prolly like a gram if that
  3. Yeah. It was just picked. Havent got around to trimming it yet.
  4. Id give 10 bucks for that probably, looks like a gram, but it is hard to tell from all the leaves.
  5. Yeah man, you gotta trim and dry it... Don't expect to get rich off that lol ;) You got maybe 2 grams
  6. Yeah. I can only pick about that much at a time or its noticeable. So its work in progress. Before I just smoked it myself and maybe with some friends, but I want to be able to pass a test for a job soon.
  7. If you can only get a little at a time, then keep going back until you have around a quarter, then sell.
  8. I dunno, im high but does anyone else thinks this looks like plastic?

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