Can anyone answer this ? about Regs

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gergzla, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. So what type or strain of a seed is considered regs? If there is, why does anyone buy it and grow it since its not that great, yea it gets you high, but why grow it, when you can grow much better stuff.

    Thanks and +rep to anyone that can answer

  2. MJ plants don't grow regs, what makes regs so shitty is improper drying, ie quick dry to sell quick/bulk. Bud that comes off the plant is usually good as long as its treated properly.
  3. Thanks bro, I was doing a little digging and I sorta got that from reading, but you made it easy to understand.


  4. Yeah there is no strain that is "regs". All strains when grown properly are fairly high quality.

    What makes regs is a) grown outdoors in huge fields, females are pollinated from males (producing seeds which greatly reduces thc content)

    b) Improper drying and handling. Most reggie buds are so manhandled from processing in bulk that any resin glands that were once present are knocked loose or destroyed.

    Take a seed from some reggie and grow it properly, the end result will be nothing like the original weed that the seed came from.
  5. thanks!!!


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