Can any one identify this strain for me?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by farrist, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Idk where to post Can any one identify this strain for me

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  2. IDK where to post this either, but can anybody identify this black kid's last name.

  3. not to be rude but seriously omfg people need to stop asking this incredibly ridiculous question, if you can't identify the strain how could we without smelling it growing it buying it etc etc.... seriously use your head man.
  4. this is the indoor growing section i don't see any plants growing so it doesn't belong here.

  5. Chill out Home-Skillet, there isn't any harm done.

    New guys don't realize the genetic variation that's within a strain name. The variation is pretty large normally.
  6. Somethin purple

  7. I have 4 strains which all go purple and none of them have purple in the name for what it's worth.
  8. Well if it tastes kind of like sweet berries it's a real purple and that's about as close as you're going to get to knowing the strain.
  9. In a word, NO!

    Hon, there are hundreds of strains and thousands of crosses! There is no way we can ID your strain, unless it is an extremely distinct strain like Vanilluna (vanilla odor + variegated buds)! But in most cases, there is simply no way! :(

    Granny :wave:

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